General Question

shilolo's avatar

What happened to Robin Williams?

Asked by shilolo (18080points) May 30th, 2008

Robin Williams used to be one of the funniest and most poignant actors around, making movies like “The World According to Garp”, “Good Morning, Vietnam” and “Dead Poet’s Society”. Now he makes movies like “RV” and “License to Wed”.

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22 Answers

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marinelife's avatar

Another bout with alcoholism, his bete noir, and a recent divorce. He has been pretty funny in talk show appearances I have seen him on lately so I am hoping he will come back. His edgy brilliance is unmatched in my opinion. If Robert Downey Jr. can resurrect his moribund career so can Robin Williams.

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marinelife's avatar

@The Mod Squad Kill it quick before it spreads.

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shilolo's avatar

That would be disrespectful… to the zit. [Note added in proof. This was a rebuttal to a Zack comment subsequently, and rapidly, removed by the Fluther moderators.]

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shilolo's avatar

And now, we return to the question. Anyone else? Thanks.

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shilolo's avatar

Go back to sniffing glue. Its rare that I recommend that, but in this instance, I think its reasonable.

nocountry2's avatar

ahahahaha…that was way better than a remove

trogdor_87's avatar

wow what did I miss? Why all the removed comments?

shilolo's avatar

A Zack attack…

trogdor_87's avatar

looks like it

iCeskate's avatar

he’s a has been….

iamatypeofwalrus's avatar

robin williams got too hairy. Now when he showers he turns into a giant fuzzball. It’s a terrible affliction.

iCeskate's avatar

How would you know?

iamatypeofwalrus's avatar


Kraken's avatar

Robin laid an egg and the Joker got away…

Pachy's avatar

Ah yes, let the amateur psychoanalysis about a person whom we “know” only through the media begin…

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