General Question

tan253's avatar

Does anyone know why your feet would develop bumps in the night?

Asked by tan253 (2958points) September 12th, 2012

ha ha that sounds quite funny.
But… for the past 4 months now, I sometimes wake to weird lumps in my feet, around my arches, I can’t see them but can feel them. At first I thought they were mosquito bites but they weren’t really that itchy ( a little bit) and I could never see a bite per se.
They always go away once I“m up and walking on the foot.
Does anyone have any idea what they could be?
I would go to the Dr but they never last long enough – I only assume they are not mosquitos as I have my arms out most nights and never get bitten there when the lumps occur?
Any ideas?

I’m also carrying my darling LO around a lot these days – so could be weight placement maybe?

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7 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Possibly small ganglion cysts (size of a pea) sacs filled with fluid that you can wiggle. They are benign and harmless.

I have a few on the arches of my feet and on my fingers, as does my sister. They are hardly noticeable unless I make a concerted effort to find them. Causes are unknown but probably connected to minor trauma.

(You do have the damnedest collection of symptoms.)

tan253's avatar

haha .... I know right @gailcalled…. I can’t figure out if it’s because I“m a hypochondriac I notice things more than others or if I just have the weirdest things… I have had a nest of spiders on me as well at one stage, this strange little sac that burst and baby spiders crawled out – I kid you not… true story – weirdest thing ever – I shower for days after that.

With a ganglion cyst would it just go away on it’s own like mine do?

Thanks so much x

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gailcalled's avatar

Grandmothers used to treat cysts by having the unwitting victim put his or her hand or foot on a flat surface; then the granny would bang the cyst with a bible or other heavy book…a common form of folk medicine way back when.

Shippy's avatar

I’m a hyperchondriac too! So if you are hugs. I am sure its not serious but always best to check it out when you can. The spider thing you mentioned is just wow scary.

susanc's avatar

Gail’s ganglion cure is what my ma did for me when I had one on the top surface of my foot, only she used a rowboat instead of a holy book. No tiny spiders ran out.

gailcalled's avatar

@susanc: Your grandma must have been a relative of Paul Bunyon’s. She picked up the row boat and dropped it on your foot? You are sure that she didn’t wack the cyst with an oar?

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