Social Question

Aster's avatar

Have you ever seen a bird torment a cat ?

Asked by Aster (20023points) April 14th, 2013

I actually witnessed a bird swooping down to a cat’s back ; then he’d fly back up then come down again and fly back. He did this about six times! I was stunned. Have you ever seen this?

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12 Answers

syz's avatar

Yep. As a teenager, I saw a pair of blue jays terrorize my cat (they had a nest in the yard). Their alarm calls resulted in jays from all over the neighborhood joining in – it was a veritable gang. The cat got pinned in a corner of the house and lost a good bit of fur to the dive-bombers. She took refuge under a car and didn’t come out until after dark.

(You’ll also see small birds attack birds of prey, it’s called mobbing)

hearkat's avatar

Yes. Often it was bluejays, but not always… they would dive-bomb our kitties if the neared a tree where they were nesting.

Aster's avatar

Dive Bomb ! That’s the phrase ! And I thought I would be the only one…

gailcalled's avatar

I have routinely seen crows harrying the red-tailed hawks.

jonsblond's avatar

Yes. Any time our cat gets near the barn several birds start to circle overhead and dive bomb him.

Pachy's avatar

Not a cat, but a dog. I have a friend who owned a parakeet who played with, teased and slightly tormented the family terrier. They’d let the bird out of its cage, and it would swoop down and land right behind the dog and then follow him around, occasionally nipping at his tail. It was hilarious to watch.

I promise I’m not making this up.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I have seen that but what bugs me it the way the local ferile cats purposely come to our yard to torment my dogs!

El_Cadejo's avatar

Yes, like others I’ve seen blue jays dive bomb cats (they came after me before when I was younger…not fun). It seems however my cat doesn’t stand for that shit as I keep finding wings or other random bird parts scattered randomly about my yard.

Bellatrix's avatar

Yes, it happens quite a bit around my place. Some of our birds are very territorial.

My cat was sitting by the closed, glass door that opens onto our back garden. He was just minding his own business and looking out. One of these territorial birds was swooping down and flying at the window. It was quite clear it was telling the cat to go away. He didn’t. He wasn’t fazed at all. I have no doubt if he had been outside they would have swooped him.

syz's avatar

I’ve also been harrassed. We had a mocking bird nest in some vines growing up my garage; they would bomb me and pull my hair everytime I came home from work.

Bellatrix's avatar

He thinks he’s mocking you @syz. Doesn’t know his own beak strength.

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