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tan253's avatar

Anyone here had a CT Colonography?

Asked by tan253 (2958points) April 21st, 2015

I’m suppose to be getting a CT Colonography next week.

I’m terrified of bowel perforation.

I’ve had all the other necessary tests done and they’ve all come back clear, however I still have bowel dysfunction and Dr says its IBS.

He told me I can/should do a CT Colonoscopy so we can rule out anything else – and for peace of mind.

I still haven’t confirmed appointment and would love to hear honest experiences from those who have had one!

Thank you

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8 Answers

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

My husband has had a colonoscopy and endoscopy. He said they gave him an anaesthetic, so he was unconscious during the procedure and he felt perfectly fine afterwards.

anniereborn's avatar

I’m confused, are you having a colonoscopy or a colonography? I just looked up the latter and it says the tube is only inserted 2 inches into the colon.

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tan253's avatar

Ct Colonography but they still insert gas which can cause perforation.

Mariah's avatar

Bowel perforation is extremely rare. Having the gas inserted is basically the same thing as “holding it” for a really long time – there’d have to be something already really wrong with you for that to cause a perforation. You’ll be fine.

tan253's avatar

Thank you @Mariah – why can’t technicians or Dr’s explain it like this!

JLeslie's avatar

If you are doing the CT the risk is so extremely low it’s almost nonexistent. Don’t worry. Mariah is right.

Adagio's avatar

I had a colonography around five years ago, it wasn’t the best experience of my life but neither was it the worst. It was the preparation for the procedure that was most difficult, but I am permanently confined to my bed and that is what made it so difficult. I was unaware of the possibility of bowel perforation, nobody mentioned that. Ultimately, it was wonderful to discover my worst fears were not realised.

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