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Dutchess_lll's avatar

How much time do you spend signing your signature on minor purchases like groceries?

Asked by Dutchess_lll (8748points) September 1st, 2019

Me, about ½ a second. It’s “V” followed by a hastily scrawled line. ZIP! I’m done.
It drives me crazy when people so slowly and meticulously sign their electronic signature for that $1.00 fountian drink they bought, like they just took out a $500,000 mortgage.
The machines don’t care. I once scrawled a happy face in lieu of my signature. It was accepted.

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20 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I only use handwriting if I’m making a shopping list. Or writing down an appointment date. The ambulance asks for patients to sign a signature if you refuse service. I have to sign in the bank for taking money out.
When I was a cashier some person signed with a couple of circles.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

In the olden days, when most folks were illiterate, the letter X stood for their signature

JLeslie's avatar

First initial and messy last name. Very fast.

wiscoblond's avatar

You have to sign for a dollar purchase?

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Depends on the business and how their debit / credit machine is set up. Some do some don’t.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I usually just scribble. If it’s a paper receipt, I give some effort. If it’s on an electronic device, I just draw a straight line. As long as I signed it, it doesn’t matter.

ragingloli's avatar

I only pay in cash.
The mail delivery person gets a chaos scribble.

flutherother's avatar

I never sign for purchases. We use 4 digit PIN’s over here and for purchases under £30 we swipe our card across a reader.

janbb's avatar

Is this a competition? I waddle up on to the screen and flick my webbed foot across.

canidmajor's avatar

@janbb, with your busted webbed foot, that must take forever! Bet that would really annoy @Dutchess_lll!

Hope it’s better, BTW, @janbb. <3

chyna's avatar

My mom would draw each letter. It took a long time, but it was beautiful cursive writing. I’m sure it annoyed people behind her, but if they are in that big of a hurry, maybe they should have left sooner.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I pay cash for a $1 fountain drink. I keep very little cash on me…just enough to cover the inevitable small purchases. Where I live, small purchases don’t require a signature; however when in doubt, I whip out the cash!!!

Demosthenes's avatar

Not much. I mostly emphasize my initials. You can clearly see them; the rest is just squiggles. That’s my default signature.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Major purchases like furniture,or contracts are important so I take care in reading the fine print and signing.
All other daily purchases use the tap system…just tap ones card and beep , done!
Wills etc are very important contracts and signatures are vital in Law.

anniereborn's avatar

Mine is just my first initial followed by my (quite long) last name. It doesn’t take long. It’s sloppy but legible.

jca2's avatar

I never use credit for minor purchases. I always keep a decent amount of cash on me, at least 40 dollars, usually more, so the majority of time, for groceries and restaurants, I use cash. Only for a larger shopping, like clothes or housewares will I use credit.

So to answer the question, for me, for minor purchases, I don’t sign.

SEKA's avatar

I sign my hard copy receipts exactly like I do the electronic ones. It’s 3 distinctive letters that are the equivalent of my “X”. Unless you actually know what makes them distinctive, you’re going to screw them up

Aster's avatar

A few seconds . But at the grocery store , after the total comes up, I dont have to sign. I just hit yes” with my fingertip.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It varies from store to store. Some places require a signature, some don’t, some require a PIN, some don’t. It used to be based on whether you selected Debit or Credit. Credit you just had to sign. Debit you had to enter a PIN. But it’s all changed in the last 2 months.

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