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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

How would you cure Beavis and Butt-head? (NSFW)

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25089points) December 17th, 2019

Or is nothing wrong with them? Bonus points if you can squeeze Dr. Phil or humor in your answer.

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14 Answers

Patty_Melt's avatar

Dr. Phil decided to cure the booger pulling by sending them to a discipline camp. Everytime one of them started to dig, someone would kick them in the knee. This would cause them to drop both hands to grasp the pained knee. They would then be handed a tissue, and instructed to blow.

Ellen Deginerous has tackled their sleazy laughs, quite literally. She told them to shut the hell up when they disrupted her audience with their stupid heh heh hehs. They came back with, “Yeah, heh heh, whatcha gonna do about it, heh heh.” Ellen charged up the steps and flung herself at them, pummeling them with her boney fists. They continued with the heh hehs until she karate chopped them both right in the neck.
They were taken to General Hospital by ambulance.
At the hospital they were forced to watch this. for two solid weeks

Darth_Algar's avatar

There’s nothing they need to be cured of.

BTW: “Dr.” Phil is not a licensed medical or psychiatric practitioner .

kritiper's avatar

Applied severe beating about the head and shoulders.

johnpowell's avatar

This is slightly off-topic but one of the most fucking infuriating things that ever happened to me.

I was a projectionist at a movie theater when the Beavis and Buthead movie came out.

This was in our biggest theater, 483 seats. The screen in sq feet was bigger than any apartment I have ever lived in. So these bags of shit, after the movie is over decide to spray-paint the screen. They got creative and wrote “fuck” in blue spray-paint on the lower right hand corner of the screen. It was about three feet wide and 1 feet tall. And I am still livid.

Here is the thing.. I was paid very little and stole, damaged more than these little vandals could have dreamed of. My horror far exceeded my wages.

So I tried cleaning the screen with, what was basically called “vandalism remover”. It melts spray-paint on bathroom stalls. On a screen in a theater it makes the problem a million times worse.

So now the entire screen needs to be replaced. You can’t just swap out a section and stitch it together. It has acoustic properties and needs to reflect a lot of light properly.

So new screen, 50K, and even worse I was tasked with helping replace it at 4am on a Saturday morning. They are attached with thousands of springs. A cherry-picker was required, and I hate heights. It was one of the worst days of my life.

ragingloli's avatar

Well, as a German…

RabidWolf's avatar

A lobotomy would work wonders.

ucme's avatar

They need to get laid…

MrGrimm888's avatar

You can’t fix stupid…

Patty_Melt's avatar

@ucme, oh, but who would!?! Egads!

ragingloli's avatar

With each other, of course.

ucme's avatar

@Patty_Melt They could get jiggy with each other.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Ew! Two of you came up with that. Double EW!!
I think you both waited with finger hovered over the answer button for someone to come along and ask that.
GA goes to the quickest finger.
(? nsfw?)

ucme's avatar

You have a fertile imagination m’dear…pregnant pause

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

In the new B&B they actually get married to attract women. They later find out that it is harder to get divorced.

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