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KRD's avatar

Who wants to do a never-ending word phrase game?

Asked by KRD (5274points) March 10th, 2023

how this will work is one person says something and then the next person will carry on that phrase.
random guy1 “It sure is nice today.”
someone2 “Maybe I should go for a hike today.”
got this3 “I’ll go hike the Yukon!”

get it?

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146 Answers

KRD's avatar

I’ll start.

I think I should go to the park today.

Entropy's avatar

At the park, I will learn why we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And at the park I will not drive on the grass, they get very upset when you drive on the grass.

Dig_Dug's avatar

On my grass! Get off my lawn!

SnipSnip's avatar

The park sounds good, but let’s make it the water one so people won’t be temped to park on the green.

NoMore's avatar

What’s par for this green?

snowberry's avatar

It’s par for the course, of course!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’m thinking about taking a college course in graphics.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Shall I get graphic?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Well don’t get to graphic!

snowberry's avatar

I will get too graphic!

Grrrraphic! Grrrraphic! Grrrraphic!

NoMore's avatar

Make that National Geographic.

Entropy's avatar

Why make such a big deal out of it?

NoMore's avatar

Yeah what’s the deal?

Entropy's avatar

What’s love but a second-hand emotion?

snowberry's avatar

Second hand? Time to hit the flea markets!

NoMore's avatar

Let’s go lodge with my fleas in hills. I mean, let’s flee to my lodge in the hills.

Entropy's avatar

I’d like to lodge a complaint about how this thread is progressing.

NoMore's avatar

It’s making progress

SQUEEKY2's avatar

About as well as the Republican party making progress.

NoMore's avatar

Progress back to the Dark Ages.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

If they continue on their path very much so.

KRD's avatar

But if they change their ways they can change.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Change for a twenty – - ten a five and five singles.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Which would be achieved easier than a Rep/con changing their ways.

NoMore's avatar

That’s alternate reality stuff. Repubs changing their ways?

jca2's avatar

There are two ways to do things – the right way and the wrong way.

snowberry's avatar

Or in the minds of some, my way or the highway!

JLeslie's avatar

The Pan-American Highway goes from Argentina to Alaska.

NoMore's avatar

North to Alaska

KRD's avatar

where the frontier is.

NoMore's avatar

Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier.

JLeslie's avatar

While camping at Fort Wilderness I used my crockpot and also visited Frontier Land.

snowberry's avatar

Space! The final frontier!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yes but there is also the Nissan Frontier don’t forget.

Forever_Free's avatar

Don’t forget to clean your plate. There are starving children in Africa.

NoMore's avatar

North Africa for me. Golden Era of the French Foreign Legion.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Africa would be neat,l like big cats.

snowberry's avatar

I like cats, but not in the house.

NoMore's avatar

Have a beer on the house.

jca2's avatar

I’m not a beer drinker but do appreciate a nice, cold Diet Coke.

NoMore's avatar

A Diet Coke for the lady please. I’ll have a coffee, black.

jca2's avatar

I have a red door and I want it painted black.

NoMore's avatar

Midnight, one more night without sleeping, watching till the morning comes creeping, black door what’s that secret your keeping. They have a grand piano and they play it loud behind the black door…

snowberry's avatar

My door is white. And dirty.

NoMore's avatar

Cleaning doors is a dirty and messy job.

snowberry's avatar

Wait for warm weather for that!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But not to warm because then it will be just to hot.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I like my pizza hot out of the oven.

jca2's avatar

I have a frozen pizza from Trader Joe’s which will be a perfect lunch on this snowy snow day.

snowberry's avatar

I like a yummy coffee drink on a snowy day.

RocketGuy's avatar

I like to sip my coffee drink by the fireplace.

raum's avatar

I found a bunch of socks in the fireplace last time we cleaned the living room.

Kids are weird.

snowberry's avatar

I have a wood stove insert in my living room.

SnipSnip's avatar

I don’t get this exercise.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Exercise your mind do a crossword puzzle.

jca2's avatar

Free your mind and the rest will follow.

NoMore's avatar

Follow the yellow brick road

SQUEEKY2's avatar

To the rainbow at the end of it

NoMore's avatar

Looking for the pot of gold

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But the gold was all gone the Republicans stole it all, and blamed the democrats.

KRD's avatar

The republicans felt sorry and gave the gold back and went to say sorry to the dems.

NoMore's avatar

I’m sorry, so sorry, I can’t accept their apology.

Forever_Free's avatar

Accept their apology when sorry seems to be the hardest word?

snowberry's avatar

“Hate wears you down, and does not hurt your enemy. Hate is like taking poison and wishing your enemy would die.”

snowberry's avatar

Let’s continue.

I think we’ll have a garden this year.

RocketGuy's avatar

I will have time to tend it, unlike last year.

Patty_Melt's avatar

This thread tends to drift away from the rules. Several move forward without using any part of the post previous to their own.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

. . . and your post just shows how much one’s post can drift


NoMore's avatar

Away down South in Dixie?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Dixie is a city about 12 miles from my house.

NoMore's avatar

A Tale of One City

jca2's avatar

One is the loneliest number that you ever knew.

snowberry's avatar

My hubby changed his phone number.

NoMore's avatar

Deep State has Trump’s number.

snowberry's avatar

I can swim even in the deep end!

Forever_Free's avatar

That was the be-all end-all experience.

snowberry's avatar

Walking in snow barefoot is quite the experience!

KRD's avatar

It can get cold walking on snow.

NoMore's avatar

Frosty the Snowman needs to melt. Permanently.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Oh to love, permanently, and to have that love reciprocated!

snowberry's avatar

Spring is here and love is in the air.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The “air” is blowing with gusts up to 23 MPH.

snowberry's avatar

Don’t go over the speed limit!

Forever_Free's avatar

Never limit yourself by others feedback.

snowberry's avatar

The feedback of others is often confused as noise.

NoMore's avatar

Always too much noise in a club.

snowberry's avatar

Welcome to the club!

NoMore's avatar

Club sandwich please

Forever_Free's avatar

I had to delivery a shit sandwich to an employee today.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

“Oh, what a beautiful morning !”

NoMore's avatar

Oh, what a beautiful day!

Brian1946's avatar

Even though I’m Oklahomely, everythang’s going my way!

NoMore's avatar

Camelot, Camelot !!

Brian1946's avatar

I’m the world’s most obscure rapper, Sir Cumalot!

Forever_Free's avatar

Sir Cumalot, I presume. Now announcing Lord and Lady Douchebag!

NoMore's avatar

Allow me to introduce the Scarlett Pumpernickel! Never call a lady name names you knave!

Patty_Melt's avatar

Never say never.

Forever_Free's avatar

Off to Never Never Land. Second star to the right, on till morning.

NoMore's avatar

Hooray for Captain Hook, the worlds most famous crook.

snowberry's avatar

By hook or by crook!

Forever_Free's avatar

I’m not a crook!!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Oh but Richard Nixon was a crook.

NoMore's avatar

I am not a crook, I want to make that perfectly clear!

snowberry's avatar

my knees aren’t crooked, but they do bend at the right place!

NoMore's avatar

Take the bend in the trail, it will lead you to the right place to hunker down for the night.

snowberry's avatar

Two roads diverged in a snowy wood…

Forever_Free's avatar

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both

snowberry's avatar

I called a taxi!

Forever_Free's avatar

Taxi was a great sitcom.

NoMore's avatar

Oh yeah. I was thinking about Taxi Driver, the DeNiro film.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Driver, follow that car!

NoMore's avatar

Car 54 where are you?

Patty_Melt's avatar

My Mother the car, wants her headlights adjusted.

snowberry's avatar

Two eyes like headlights shown out of the darkness.

NoMore's avatar

It was a close encounter of the third kind. And have E. T. call home.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I remember my third grade teacher being rather short.

snowberry's avatar

Short! I resemble that!

Patty_Melt's avatar

Short Circuit is a cheesy movie, but I love it anyway.

jca2's avatar

I’m easy like Sunday morning.

Forever_Free's avatar

Sunday mornings are for Jazz and newspapers.

NoMore's avatar

Sunday mornings are for sleeping late. Or old Roy Rogers flicks on DVD. Drifting along with the tumbling tumbleweeds.

Patty_Melt's avatar

During my Navy days, we ate from Roy Rogers on duty nights, because there was one just across the street from the back road to the base. Somebody would make the run, and place about a dozen separate orders at the drive thru.

Forever_Free's avatar

Roy Rogers and Trigger just galloped down the back forty.

NoMore's avatar

Got to plow the back forty before the storms move in.

Patty_Melt's avatar

The storm dropped Purple Rain

Brian1946's avatar

When the rain subsided, it left a Purple Haze.

snowberry's avatar

The rain falls on the just and on the unjust.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Niagara Falls is in New York and Ontario

NoMore's avatar

A weekend in Canada, a change of pace, was all I really had in mind.

jca2's avatar

This weekend, we’re celebrating mothers everywhere.

JLeslie's avatar

Except mothers in Mexico were celebrated Wednesday, May 10th.

Patty_Melt's avatar

We are all inclusive, so, mothers in Mexico get celebrated twice, I guess.

jca2's avatar

I guess I’ll try to be productive today.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I guess I’ll try to be reproductive today.


NoMore's avatar

Not at my age. TJBM will watch Trump drama closely.

snowberry's avatar

This is not TJBM

I do have a watch.

NoMore's avatar

I goofed, call it a senior moment. Have to watch those.

snowberry's avatar

Senior moment? Watch what?

jca2's avatar

In two years, my daughter will be a graduating senior.

snowberry's avatar

What is this? Senioritis week?

Patty_Melt's avatar

I expect this to be a weak week for me.

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