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Snoopy's avatar

Have you had a bad week? Hoping for better? Please vent here.

Asked by Snoopy (5803points) October 12th, 2008

Last week, my dad fell and needed to go to the ER for stitches. On my way to get him, I thrawted a robbery attempt. Seriously. (A guy was trying to rob an old man).
The next day, I took my dog to the vet where she completely freaked out. Pooped everywhere, among mutiple transgrssions. I got home only to get a call from vet. I had left my credit card there..
The next day, while assisting in cutting HUGE trees down in the yard, my hand got crushed. Thought it was broken. Its not. But it and my arm are a mess.
Oh, did I mention? In laws visiting.
Thank you for listening (reading).
Please feel free to share your recent bad week here….

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15 Answers

fireside's avatar

Well, on the bright side…your dog didn’t poop everywhere at your house : )

Way to go on the robbery thing, what happened?

Mitsu_Neko's avatar

you just made my week seem alot less shattering than it felt before I read this

stink111's avatar

listen if you think that your the most unluckly person or think your having a bad day you have to stay positive or you will look for bad things to happen

Snoopy's avatar

@fireside The short version:

I was driving down a major metropolitan, busy street. Saw a guy beating the crap out of an old man while he had him pinned to a wall. All the while trying to reach in his pockets. Called 911. Drove my SUV to curbside about 4 feet from the two of them. Leaned on the horn. Sinister guy nearly wet himself as he leaped away and ran down a side alley. Cops came about 30 seconds later.
Sinister guy got away :(
Old guy OK and still had his wallet :)

Mitsu_Neko's avatar

you saved the older man and that is what was important

Snoopy's avatar

@stink Yes, I agree.

My dad, dog or I could have all needed signficantly more medical attention. It could always have been worse.

But, in honesty, I am hoping for a quieter week.

gailcalled's avatar

Next time, let the dog attack the mugger. Have your in-laws do all the cooking, cleaning and house maintenance.

Lend your dad the dog for some good cheer. Teach your SO how to Google “Professional Arboretist.”

wildflower's avatar

In comparison, mine wasn’t that bad…...and really hope you, your dad and your dog all have a speedy and complete recovery! But hey, you’re a hero for helping the old guy out of being robbed!!

Me, I had to sit through 2×3 hours of mind-numbing lectures on basic accounting and I had the convenience of having my b-day fall on a Friday this year – however the day went with 11 hours in the office and falling asleep in front of the telly by 9PM…..
Now, Sunday evening, I’m getting my reports and updates ready for work in the morning (but I decided I deserve a fluther-break).

El_Cadejo's avatar

Bad week? More like bad month and still going strong. Got in a car accident on september 2nd totaled my truck. Spent i dont know how long fighting with insurance companies with them trying to tell me it was my fault even though cops ruled it hers. Got that all sorted out.

Went to i dont know how many doctors to have them tell me “youll be ok in a couple of days” just to go back in more pain and hear the same thing. They dont want to do an MRI because they dont think i need one, yet they dont know what is wrong with me. Ive been going to physical therapy for the past 3 weeks now with no improvements at all, my back/neck is actually getting worse. I have to make a new appointment to go back to the orthopedic doctor (hopefully to get a damn MRI this time) .

Ive been out of work for over a month now. I have no money and no way of getting money. I dont know how it is elsewhere but in NJ you have to be out 28 days to file for disability, well since doctors kept telling me a couple more days and ill be fine, i did file. By 25 i realized i would definitely need it. Thing is in the wonderful state of NJ you have to file by your 30th day. My employer took more than 5 days to fill out the papers. Had to fight with disability explaining my case. They take a good 3–4 weeks to start sending payments(wtf is the point). Seriously im at the point where im cashing in all my change just so i can put gas into my car thats how little money i have.

Im starting to realize i just cant do half the stuff i used to be able to anymore. I was out at someones house (not doing anything mind you just sitting around) but had to come home because how much pain im in. I cant stay in any single position for too long or it hurts real bad. Sometimes i cant even sleep at night because of the pain.

Snoopy's avatar

Ick Uber! Hopefully the ortho doc will get things sorted out for you.

My week is already improving. It is “fire safety” week and firefighters were walking door to door for chit chat for PR. My kids got to crawl all over a fire truck. Priceless.

So a visit from firemen w/out any fire is a significant improvement over last week. Free exam of my grotesque looking hand too, LOL

Hang in there.

Mitsu_Neko's avatar

@uber – i can sympathize and hope they do better. I have been put of work for over 30 days and have no income either, yet rent is due on the 1st; I am now over 2000 in debt from borrowing off family, wok has deemed my spider bite work claim as incompensable ( I just wanted them to pay for the dr, and my meds, 2 of which Ihavent had filled due to no $), work has denied disability on me dmaging the nerves in my hand and then not filling out the report for over a week, and then not allowing me the time off to heal; they refuse to pay for time off due to this; have given my position that has been held for me to someone else and said I would need to lean to work the deep fryer in deli/food service (they know I was remved from cooking in tech school or severley hurting myself with a deep fryer & that is why I am a baker); unemployment said since I am hurt they can’t give me benefits, yet the social service and social security offices say that I am not disbled enough for help (2 bad knees, a lower back that locks if I stand for long, general spinal pain from a injury in high school, bursitis in my right arm, carpal tunnel in the left arm,and now nerve damage to the right hand plus my right hand may not have taken to the carpal tunnel surgery may not have taken) and on top of it my partner is distancing himself from me. So I can really feel for how work is screwing you over. I hope an MRI helps and they can fix your back….It has been 8 yrs since my dad hurt his at work, has had 2 surgeries (one was spinal fusion) and they still say it isn’t their fault and they won’t pay him. He is raising a 5 yr old and all the regular bills of a 5 person household and all they have is my moms paycheck

woodcrok's avatar

My thesis is due this week.

osullivanbr's avatar

OK. Where to start.

First off my wife was in hospital for an operation. Now that was tough enough (there are a few people on here who have heard the stories of me trying to cook and almost burning the house down), but not too bad, well that’s life isn’t it.

Now the day she came out of hospital my father was taken into hospital because he had been really really sick for the weekend. He had had a scan done on his lungs two weeks ago and they decided now would be a great time to tell him that they had spotted a “mark” on his lung and it could be cancer. Now he has had numerous operations of his lungs for various reasons so he wouldn’t really be strong enough to undergo any cancer treatment.

So it turns out that he has pneumonia, and that alone had nearly killed him. So there he is hooked up to every machine the Irish Health “Service” own, and we’re all wondering if he get’s past this, do we have cancer to deal with as well.

So we were wondering what was going on so we spoke to one of the Junior Doctors on the team to try and figure it out, and he tells us that the mark could not have been pneumonia, that it must be cancer. Collective family hearts sank at this stage. The following day however things started to look a bit better, the head Doctor comes into the ward, and tells my father that the mark on his lung in fact was the pneumonia, and he doesn’t have cancer.

In the middle of all this myself and my assistant had 280EUR stolen from us but to be honest after the news about my father I couldn’t have cared less.

And that pretty much brings me up to today.

srtlhill's avatar

To all of you in pain, my best wishes and hopefully some reduction to your pain. Chronic pain sucks in any form, my heart goes out to you. Good luck in getting some help, don’t quit untill you do. The pain can become demoralizing but don’t let it win. Stay strong

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