General Question

afghanmoose's avatar

Im trying to unlock first generation iphone,i restored and updated it but it wont let me jailbreak and unlock it with ziphone software,any idea what to do?

Asked by afghanmoose (554points) November 9th, 2008

please leave links to free programs for macs if ya can

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28 Answers

sndfreQ's avatar

ZiPhone only jailbreaks up to firmware 1.1.4; beyond that, you need to use other methods (at your own risk)...

afghanmoose's avatar

i went to those websites but they dont give me anything on to how to downgrade my iphone first generation or unlocking it

skabeep's avatar

why would you downgrade? The site I linked has download links for quickpwn and pwnage tool. Both will unlock and jailbreak your phone

afghanmoose's avatar

whats cydia,i know what installer is,does anyone know any sick ass sources to add on installer?

nexstar5's avatar

forget about installer, cydia is where its at now. It is basically like the black-market app store.

afghanmoose's avatar

o shit, so then whats the point of cydia,i just added installer thats all

nexstar5's avatar

cydia is really the only one you need

afghanmoose's avatar

true,one thing though,how am I able to put videos and music on the iPhone now since iTunes cannot detect this iPhone

skabeep's avatar

itunes will detect it as normal but there is also ssh

afghanmoose's avatar

what’s ssh?I’ve jailbroken the iPhone before the 2.0update,only problem I hVe is that the apps blow and not all of it is polished as I would like it to be,always goes back to the home screen whrnevr I open doom for example,and it seems like a pain in the ass when it comes to emulators and downloading the roms,placing them somewhere to play them.does anyone know the YouTube link for that by the way?

skabeep's avatar

/var/mobile/Media/ROMs/ then make a folder with snes nes psx whatever it is and put your roms there. this is ssh

afghanmoose's avatar

a folder on my mac?

skabeep's avatar

on your phone not mac

afghanmoose's avatar

how do u do that

skabeep's avatar

dude you gotta do a little work yourself. first off read the ssh link i sent you so you know what it does. if you had done that, you would know exactly “how do u do that”

nexstar5's avatar

iTunes works just as it did before., jailbreaking is pretty much just adding the cydia app which let’s you download/install many other cool things.

afghanmoose's avatar

but when you jailbreak it then wouldn’t apple find out even after you restore it that the warrenty has been voided?

skabeep's avatar

it doesnt even void the warranty as nothing is physically changed on your phone. but at&t tech support most likely will not assist you installing cydia

afghanmoose's avatar

true so If I jailbreak it then I could still get apple care?

skabeep's avatar

i dont see why not…just wondering how much is applecare for the iphone? they wanted like $300+ for my laptop…is it the same?

afghanmoose's avatar

It’s $50 for 2 years

iquanyin's avatar

cydia is great. it’s got the goods—quickgold, sbsettings, etc. add dtunes and you can dl songs and vids. it has torrenting too (a cpl of options). dtunes adds c torrent and mobile terminal. throw in ifile—a great text editor that can also play music, and even w/o itunes you’d have media. (but you can get itunes songs no problem). unless you have a problem you won’t even need to ssh in to add stuff. or rarely. also: icy installs very fast. it only installs. good in a hurry. cydia does much more.

iquanyin's avatar

and go th thebigboss site. his jailbreak guides have all you need, including links to the stuff you need to get the job done.

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