General Question

shockvalue's avatar

What is the best gift you've ever been given?

Asked by shockvalue (5800points) December 6th, 2008
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20 Answers

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

Haha, I see my question inspired another. Uh, probably my cell phone; it has come in handy so often since I got it.

shockvalue's avatar

haha, guilty as charged.

mrdh's avatar

A friendship. If that counts. If not, then an iPod, but I want a new one now :-\

Darwin's avatar

My daughter.

peedub's avatar

A giant Playmobil knight like the one in this picture. It was a last minute birthday gift from my girlfriend at the time. Apparently these are only for display but somehow she talked the owner of a small toy shop into selling her one.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

@peedub, that’s a really cool gift! Mine would be a gold rope necklace. I haven’t taken it off in 15 years, except at the hospital.

lunabean's avatar

my nikon d40 from my dad.

danny's avatar

besides life…a close family…

delirium's avatar

Me. Twice.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Aww Del you gotta expand on that answer…

delirium's avatar

Once I was born, and once I didn’t kill myself.

I owe a lot to my doctors and my parents.

overgrownbat's avatar

I think I’ve been gifted with good luck.

Nimis's avatar

AlfredaPrufrock: I’m positively tickled by the image
of you rolling around decked out in gold rope bling.

Sloane2024's avatar

Today is mine and my boyfriend’s one year anniversary, but we aren’t going to be able to see each other because his Indian parents don’t approve of my being American; however, last night was my school’s winter ball and he was allowed to come to that. At 12:00 exactly, as we are slow dancing, he pulls out a satin pouch and says, “Happy anniversary, babydoll.” Inside was a beautiful white gold heart with a gold heart on the inside lined with pink sappires. The attachment it was hanging from bore three small diamonds, and it was dangling from a tiny silver chain. We have seen each other a total of four times in the past 5 months because of our long distance, (him being at Emory in Atlanta, and me at a boarding school in Mississippi) and it meant so much to me for him to be there. The thought, time (he spent hours in the jewelry store), and effort put into the gift surpassed what I ever imagined someone would do for me.

cdwccrn's avatar

Four beautiful and healthy grandchildren: Caleb, Stephen, Eli, Gabi.

Foolaholic's avatar

For my high school graduation, my grandparents gave me a book of commuter tickets for the local airport, so that it that I could easily get home if I needed to. After my strenuous relationship with my parents, it was really nice to feel needed like that.

maybe_KB's avatar

roller skates

chicadelplaya's avatar

The gift of unconditional love. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.

OpryLeigh's avatar

For my 21st birthday my dad bought me tickets to see Barbra Streisand in concert. Dream come true.

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