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LKidKyle1985's avatar

What was everyones Favorite gift this christmas?

Asked by LKidKyle1985 (6599points) December 25th, 2008

Just thought this would be a fun post, Mine was a t.v. yay

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45 Answers

tinyvamp's avatar

this sounds so cheesy and lame but I got the britney spears circus album as my favourite because it’s from my mom and its the first time since i was 12 (i’m 24 now) that she got me a gift i actually wanted. <3 my momma :)

congrats on the tv! :D

Jack79's avatar

I got Scrabble (in Polish, which I don’t speak) and a CD.

I hope I will like the CD when I hear it :)

arnbev959's avatar

A beautiful unfinished so I can stain or paint it however I want pinewood bookcase. Made by a skilled carpenter. Not one of those cheap plywood snap together bookcases that you get from Walmart.

desiree333's avatar

wow I had such a great Christmas. Heres a list of everything I got:
-Desperate Housewives season 1
-Mario Kart for my Wii
– Covet by Sarah Jessica Parker perfume
– 1 pair of pants from Abercrombie & Fitch
– black Lululemon sweater
– 2 pairs of pants, and 2 long sleeve shirts from Hollister
-really good quality sheets
-white duvet, 3 throw pillows, fleece blanket
slippers from LaSenza And Aeropostale
– $520
-$25 iTunes gift card
-Wii Fit
-shampoo dispensing head massager
So that was a long boring list and I think I forgot some of my presents. I love them all! I dont really have a favourite, maybe the perfume, or the lululemon sweater, or the SJP Covet perfume. Merry Christmas!!!

2late2be's avatar

i got a kit to make gel candles, which i love, i need something to pass the time besides the computer and the ipod touch!!!

90s_kid's avatar

New pair of Jordans.

seekingwolf's avatar

freaking amazon kindle. o-m-g. Yes I’m still in shock. I was told very recently I wouldn’t get one and then “POOF” it was there.

I totally wasn’t expecting it. I opened the box and THERE it was and I was SO shocked I dropped a line of expletives and squealed…all in front of my grandmother.

I’m sorry my mom paid extra to get the Kindle today to see THAT reaction.

xxporkxsodaxx's avatar

My 7×7x7 Olympic Cube and a Flat Screen

Fallenangel's avatar

i got a garmin…..
but ive never been lost….

then socks and boxers

a watch
which i will lose in a week or never wear

and memories of a family that really does suck…..

Fallenangel's avatar

oh and a red rider bb gun

then a trip to the doctor after i shot the dogs eye out…. they almost had it right…

Blondesjon's avatar

I gotta rock…oh wait a minute, that was from Halloween…my bad…

90s_kid's avatar

@ tiffany I got a new piano this year. Now I have two pianos, a saxophone, a guitar, a clarinet, and if a plastic recorder counts, that, too. And my brother plays the violin.
And I have a harmonica.

krose1223's avatar

Watching my son dance on his presents instead of opening them.

babiturtle36's avatar

A designer purse

augustlan's avatar

A nice looooong nap on the couch : )

bluemukaki's avatar

A Kazoo and a LEGO Mindstorms NXT set. Yeah I’m pretty mature.~

electricsky's avatar

my grandma wrapped up double A batteries and gave them to me.
that wasn’t the best present I got but I just can’t get over it.

susanc's avatar

My grandbaby ran as fast as she could and jumped into my arms and squealed.

Don’t ask me about this kid. I will tell you much more than you could ever want to know about how unusual and fabulous she is.

Comedian's avatar

I don’t know which was my favorite so I’ll list them

Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Lily Allen’s “Alright Still” Album (excplicit version)
LG Dare
Two Monty Python Posters, a Monty Python shirt, all the Monty
Python movies, and this complete history book! :D
Scarf and bag from Australia
Japanesse drinks and chocolate money
And MORE!!!! I got just about everything I wanted!!!

tiffyandthewall's avatar

@90s, that’s awesome, and the plastic record most definitely counts haha
i wanna kick ass at playing the harmonica. like. EXTREME harmonica playing. and maybe start some weird band with like a harmonica, ukulele, and rubber band guitar or something. haha.

madcapper's avatar

I-pod nano sweeetnesss blue color… my brother is awesome!

chicadelplaya's avatar

Santa brought me a digital camera! My first one! FINALLY!!

wildflower's avatar

Gone with the Wind and Casablanca on DVD

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I’d wanted a digital photo frame & my daughter gave me one. YEA! I have to get a memory card for it yet, but I’m anxious to get it loaded with pictures. She did good. :-)

sndfreQ's avatar

A family reunion with my aunts, uncles and their kids whom I haven’t seen in almost three years. We only had the night of Christmas eve, but everyone was so looking forward to each other, and half of us drive/fly a great distance to see the other half. 23 of us together at last-in the words of my uncle at the blessing of the dinner “this is good…this is good.”

Seeing the kids open all their gifts, but also, none of the adults exchanged gifts, instead, we collectively decided to pool our money together and give it to a cousin who had lost her home in one of the big fires in L.A. last October.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

What a great setting for Christmas. Your family has the right spirit. Your cousin is lucky to have such wonderful support from her family. Another example that presents aren’t important. People are.

Judi's avatar

I got a new granddaughter!! She came on the 16th, but it’s the best Christmas present I ever got!!
i thought I was going to hit 5000 lurve but not quite

augustlan's avatar

@Judi: I tried, but I’ve maxed out on you : (

Judi's avatar

I think I may have got it but there is a glitch in catching up. I’ve been 4998 since Christmas eve and lurve is showing up on my list, just not on my total. I know I’m lurved though :-)What do ya know? it just showed up! merry Christmas to me!!

cdwccrn's avatar

200cc sym cherry red motor scooter! Love it, love it, LOVE IT!!!

cdwccrn's avatar

@seekingwolf; what is am amazon kindle?

90s_kid's avatar

@ tiffany

My and my brother are a band ourselves.

We pay rock music using the piano, guitar, and violin. (I play saxophone alone). I don’t play the harmonica or the clarinet I just have one sitting in the music room.

[edit]: and I don’t know where the plastic recorder is but I never play it I just kinda own one probably from like…a thankyou gift from a party or something. Same thing with a kazoo probably.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Every year I go to hospices and shelters with a local organization and deliver gifts we bought for the kids and the elderly. This year at one of the homes the staff gave me a scarf that had been hand done over the year by women staying in the shelter. It is a true work of art and such a thoughtful thing for them to do. I actually cried when I opened it.

Side note, if you are looking for a charity to donate to this next year please consider a local woman’s shelter. They do incredible work.

seekingwolf's avatar

@cdwccrn makes it. It's a freaking sweet ebook reader... I love it so far!!

It’s for reading books, blogs, newspapers, mags, and it can also display manga beautifully.

Amazon's Link:

Oh, and it got the Oprah stamp of approval. That probably explains why there is a 13-week waiting period now.

scamp's avatar

@Fallenangel Don’t shoot your eye out like I did!!

Foolaholic's avatar

I got a new pair of headphones. I’m ecstatic!

MacBean's avatar

A headband with felt moose antlers. I’m so easily amused.

Also, Psuedopod Collections 1–4 and Escape Pod Collections 1–6.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I got a garmin, but im really lovin my new camera

ilovemetrostation's avatar

ahh my christmas was awesome this yearrr..
-ikea desk
-new camcorder
-new cell phone [quickfire in green]
-CHI straghtener
-playstation 3
-$300 shopping spree in hollister
-clothes [hollister, abercrombie, american eagle, aeropostale, victoria’s secret]
-comforter set for my bed
-coach purse
-iPod touch
-Twligt book series
-sterling silver braclet fromm my boyfrannd.

:D i love christmasss.<3
and i am really not that spoiled as i sound in this.

90s_kid's avatar


I’m blessed if I even get one of those items. Stop bragging :(

desiree333's avatar

@ 90s kid, I dont think ilovemetrostation was bragging.

desiree333's avatar

@foolaholic, those headphones look really old!

forestGeek's avatar

I got the Netflix Roku Player and absolutely love it! The gift that keeps giving.

90s_kid's avatar

I am just kidding. I’m not angry or anything desiree.

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