General Question

cdwccrn's avatar

What do you think of the stimulus package?

Asked by cdwccrn (3610points) January 28th, 2009 from iPhone

The one in Washington, billed to help the economy?

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11 Answers

bodyhead's avatar

Who cares as long as we can get together as a country and continue to bail out rich white people?

critter1982's avatar

Definition of insanity: Continuing to perform the exact same task, and expecting different results.

rawpixels's avatar

From what I have heard, it includes a lot of things that won’t have any effect on stimulating the economy. Of course, I haven’t read the 600 pages.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Not thrilled, but I’ll give it more than a cursory glance in the next day or so. I don’t want this to be another “Save the CEOs” fund like the last one was.

robmandu's avatar

I think we should talk less about “bail out” and more about “bail”.

Buncha frickin’ crooks and nincompoops… and politicians criminally negligent enough to continue financing them.

kelly's avatar

wish there was a use of funds report, say every month (you know we do have computers!!!) that would post on the internet so we payees of this future bill can see how its spent. Unfortunately, even though some rhetoric about doing this, it will not take place for this package or the rest of the bank bailout funds. Maybe someday there will be some minimal transparency of where our tax dollar go that the taxpayer can access. It’s do-able now if the politians and bureaucrats would allow it. Change perhaps will come.

cdwccrn's avatar

I agree with the comments above. I don’t know enough of the details, either, and can’t take the word of any of the politicians.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

Well here is what I find interesting about the situation. When bush got his bail out bill, the republicans were fine with it they said yeah this should work lets do it. But now, obviously Bushs bill did not have a huge impact on the economy. Now Obama has a plan significantly different from Bushs and all the republicans want to do is dis it and call it “big goverment” spending. I dunno sounds like business as usual to me. I haven’t read into the new bill very much, but it seems like the money is not going into the hands of bank CEOs who have already successfully driven their banks into the ground. I think I read that like 150b will go into schools and universitys which I think is really good since Innovation is what drives our economy and education is the means to innovation.

Dog's avatar

I agree with critter- it defies reason and logic.

It also reeks of golden parachute.

robmandu's avatar

The Wall Street Journal calls it a time machine.

Dog's avatar

@robmandu great article- wish it made me feel better about it rather than worse.

In my thoughts- If one envisions Congress, CEO’s
and Senate all dressed in
1700’s European Costume the
self-serving bailouts at the
expense of the lower classes
seem par for the course.

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