General Question

wundayatta's avatar

How much does your iPhone service cost you each month?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) March 6th, 2009

I’m curious about what people are willing to pay for service that connects them to the Internet, as well as provides phone and music, and other “apps.” I guess we might as well throw in Blackberry and Sidekick. I would like the full amount you pay each month to get everything you get.

If you want, you can say what you use the phone for, and why it is valuable enough to you to spend that much keeping it running.

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18 Answers

KrystaElyse's avatar

I have a sidekick. I pay $39 for 600 minutes, plus free nights and weekends (I don’t use up my minutes a lot). I also pay an extra $20 for unlimited email, texting, internet, AIM/MSN/Yahoo.

Now i’m getting to the point where all those extras are not even worth it because I don’t use them all the time like I used to. I’m thinking of changing my phone in the near future.

willbrawn's avatar

I pay around $100 every month for my iphone. That includes 450 minutes, unlimited night and weekend and unlimited text. Which when i test a couple new apps i might get rid of unlimited text hopefully. And then i usually buy $5 worth of apps a month or two. Im not a big app buyers. I buy quality.

EmpressPixie's avatar

It’s basically $90 for me after taxes and fees. I have whatever their minimum plan is plus the smallest text messaging plan.

luminous00's avatar

I was paying $94 a month when I had it. Now I have a Blackberry Curve and I’m paying $87 a month.

dynamicduo's avatar

Even though I purchased an iPod Touch instead of an iPhone, it was the price that was the deciding factor.

Canadian data rates are, to say it politely, equivalent to those of third world countries. Exorbitant. The phone here is sold locked into Rogers (one of the two big players) at I believe a 3 year contract with a price averaging close to $100 a month. The total lifetime contract cost of the iPhone exceeded $2500. I would pay more than twenty five hundred dollars and in return get… the ability to use the phone if I continue paying the ransom fee each month. If I don’t pay for the phone, it stops working, and I am left with essentially a brick. Sure I can flash it and use it as an iPod (I assume you can do this? I’ve never done or read about it), but it’s not an open phone. That much money can buy you a top of the line sweet computer with new parts each year, or a new netbook and a new (cheaper, non-internet) phone every year. Simply put, the iPhone is a bad deal in Canada, and that will never change until our data rates are scaled way back to more reasonable rates.

My iPod Touch does the job combined with my cheapo cellphone. I don’t make a lot of calls anyway, and I don’t do a lot of heavy typing when on the iPod, so it works for casually checking in on Facebook or checking my email, pretty much a mini Netbook, and it’s a great music and video player. Wifi suffices, though I wish it was more common around Ottawa (I mean it’s the capital city!). So all in all I’m very happy with the way I approached this technology.

jessturtle23's avatar

$65 a month. $20 for the iphone service and $45 for minutes.

elijah's avatar

My phone bill is about $220 a month, but I have 5 lines on my plan. We all have unlimited text, and we share 700 daytime minutes. We are all on free time after 7pm on weeknights and free all weekend. We also can call each other and other at&t customers for free all the time. my iPhone has unlimited Internet. I took into account the fact that having a house phone cost me 60 bucks a month, so I canceled the land line.

Lightlyseared's avatar

£45 1200 minutes, 500 texts and unlimited internet.

It’s my only phone.

hearkat's avatar

Ummm… I don’t know. They just help themselves to my checking account every month. Thankfully, I currently do not live paycheck-to-paycheck as I have in the past, so I don’t pay attention.

My plan is for 2 iPhones and 1 almost never used freebie phone (my mother’s). I have a 1500 Texts plan and my son has unlimited texting. OK – I just looked it up… it’s around $170/month for everything plus tax.

Trustinglife's avatar

iPhone: $125/month or so. I work from home, and have 2,000 daytime minutes, but I get to keep rollover. That includes 200 texts, which is plenty. I use the internet and several applications daily. I use the Maps feature whenever I go to a new place.

Totally worth it, in my book. Having an iPhone has really changed my life. Unfortunately, it’s quite addictive, and I have to manage how and when I use it sometimes.

Mtl_zack's avatar

I just got my iPhone and haven’t gotten my first bill. I pay 60 dollars/month, and I get all my music from torrents. It includes 250 minutes, 75 texts (I’m not big on texting), unlimited nights and weekends (9–7) and 1 gig data plan. It also has “my 5” which is unlimited calls from any 5 local numbers, which you an change once a month. Incoming calls and texts are free.

hearkat's avatar

I got my iPhone when it first came out, and I’m still on my original plan, because making changes means starting the 2-year contract all over again.

So when my contract expires this summer, my son and I may upgrade to the G3 iPhones, or if there’s word of something new on the horizon, maybe we’ll wait. From what I hear, the G3 iPhone plan costs more than the old Edge-only plan… is that true?

willbrawn's avatar

@hearkat yes they do $10 more for data

Trustinglife's avatar

@hearkat I change my minutes amount frequently – maybe every few months, based on what I need. I don’t have to sign a new contract each time I do that, if that’s what you were concerned with.

hearkat's avatar

@trustinglife: I have the minimum allowable minutes for a Family Plan, so I’ve never needed to change that. At one point I called to look into something (probably changing a text message package) and was told that it would change my contract date.

I was with Cingular in the 90s, and was able to change my plan without any contract implications. I was with Verizon for a couple years prior to the iPhone, and they hassled about contracts and such. Within 3 months of switching to Verizon, I was looking forward to my contract ending. Thankfully, it ended a couple months before the iPhone release.

But I’ll check into it, to see if there’s any way I can lower the bill without extending the contract. Thanks!

stevenb's avatar

For two iPhones and all fees I think I am close to 150 a month

willbrawn's avatar

Now my iPhone costs me around $75 a month, the company i work for gets a discount through AT&T. Thats on the 3G of course. 1st gen dosent get the same kind of discounts.

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