General Question

sebulba23's avatar

How many of you have just completely come off as an asshole with absolutely no realization or intention of it, and on what occasion?

Asked by sebulba23 (78points) March 12th, 2009

This has been one of those days where I feel like a jerk haha. It started with this:, and then later, I ended up honking at someone on the road and yelling at them cause I thought they were going to hit me, only to find it was my fault. I thinkā€¦ I need to pay more attention to things, especially lately.

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28 Answers

asmonet's avatar

I can’t think of an occasion at the moment myself, but I’m glad you asked a new question. Welcome to Fluther friend. :)

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Yes, all the time. Many times on here, with “What are you talking about?” quips when I really just don’t understand what the person is talking about, and also in real life all the time. Happens to all of us. Don’t worry.

ninjacolin's avatar

i’m pretty perfect too. could be just you, maybe?

oh wait, this one time i said something kind’a rude to asmonet. it wasn’t meant to hurt her though. is she a her? she feels like a her, i don’t know for certain as yet. but anyway, i hope it doesn’t hate me.

asmonet's avatar

I have boobs and naughty bits appropriate for my gender, and I was born with them that way.

sebulba23's avatar

I’m a he, btw, someone I think got a she vibe, but most got he.

ninjacolin's avatar

no no, you’re a he for sure but she’s a she.

adreamofautumn's avatar

Oh i’ve come off as a jerk in fluther threads a number of times without meaning to. I sometimes ask questions that I don’t intend to cause all out battles, but because there is no tone of voice, etc. on the internet things get skewed. In fact I have this same problem with talking to friends on AIM, text, etc. I am a. fairly sarcastic as it is and b. the type of person that needs tone of voice or else I look like a real ass. Yikes.

augustlan's avatar

I’m pretty sure the only times I’ve ever come off as an ass, I meant to. :)

steve6's avatar

I am guilty. A lot of people on here are. I think it is a symptom of being intelligent.

ninjacolin's avatar

being mean is addictive. i was all nice on here until today.
k, i’m gonna stop… for now.

sebulba23's avatar

So, this is pretty cool. I’m going to try to use it more often, and figure out how everything all works. Now though, I’m going to head to bed. Thanks

ninjacolin's avatar

oh no one told you? you’re not allowed to leave.

tinyfaery's avatar

Many times. I can’t seem to think of one right now.

Allie's avatar

Yes, I told my friend that her ex-boyfriend is a psychotic loser. It’s true, but I didn’t mean for it to sound so harsh. I apologized right after it came out of my mouth.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I seem to come across as an asshole on a fairly regular basis on here. That either means that (A) I really am an asshole or that (B) my bizarre sense of humor/unique way of looking at things may just be too subtle for text based answers.

A lot of people in real life think I am a pretty cool and fairly hilarious sort of guy, so I would have to choose (B). Of course, I do have a mean streak and a foul mouth, but only if I get my buttons pushed.

PupnTaco's avatar

Me, just about every day. I just have one of those faces.

Jayne's avatar

I am always perfect, and everybody loves me. No one ever thinks that I am an asshole, because they realize that I am vastly superior to them in every way, and that if we come into conflict, it must logically be their own fault. And if you disagree, then you can sod off, idiot.

I think my tongue just pierced the wall of my cheek.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Quite a while ago, I insulted an actress who was on Saturday Night Live at the time of the conversation to someone whom I didn’t know was a friend of hers. I think I used the words “can’t act” “not funny” “flailing” “ditzy” and “that’s no ‘character,’ she’s playing herself”. Whether or not I was correct wasn’t the point, I was being mean.

I have since learned just to say something like, “I wasn’t thrilled with that performance, but I know they did their best.” That may be insulting, but at least I won’t be calling people names.

casheroo's avatar

Ugh, I did this recently at work. While talking about culinary schools, I called one of them a sham to my boss. Guess which one she went to? She hates me now.

laureth's avatar

I do a lot. Most of the time in real life, it’s because I express myself in a very dry/deadpan manner. I say something that I think is funny, and they take me like I’m totally serious.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Laureth, Yeah I have that same deadpan look sometimes. I got my butt in hot water at work one day for that, as some idiot truck driver with no sense of humor (which begs the question, how can anyone who has no sense of humor drive for a living) took my wise-crack as an insult.

It’s not like I called his mother a chimpanzee or anything.

steve6's avatar

Me too. I chalk up most people’s lack of a sense of humor to ignorance because I read what you people write and I find most of it funny and entertaining. However there is always someone who responds as if they have been offended…by words printed on a computer screen! Don’t these people have more important things to worry about than total strangers arbitrarily insulting them? I feel sorry for some of the comics here who get off a really good one only to have some lost soul write in cussing and crying that they are being wronged and I fully expect them to hire an attorney and sue like those who didn’t know coffee might scald them.
I think this is a textbook rant such as someone like Dennis Miller would proffer.

ninjacolin's avatar

common misconception, @steve6. just because it’s on a screen doesn’t make it any less offensive.

if great jokes from strangers online are still legitimately hilarious why wouldn’t you expect a great insult from strangers to be legitimately offensive?

asmonet's avatar

I think the point is, don’t expect something put on the internet to be directed at you personally, and don’t get your panties in a twist if you don’t like it.

Live and let live.

You can be offended and not take something personally.

steve6's avatar

@asmonet Great Answer. I really like the “panties in a twist”!

ninjacolin's avatar

“You can be offended and not take something personally.”

hmm.. can you?
i’ve always thought that by definition anything that offends you offends.. you. personally.

asmonet's avatar

Finding something to be offensive does not mean you take it to heart. There is a difference.

ninjacolin's avatar

but where else is there to take it?

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