Are you more likely to give lurve based on someone's low score?
Asked by
aviona (
March 15th, 2009
Be honest. Are you more likely to click that “Great Answer” button if the person answering the question doesn’t have a very high lurve score? Or does that not factor in your decision at all? Is it purely based on the quality of their answer?
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31 Answers
Quality, really. Although if the quality answer comes from a relative newbie, I get a bit of a charge clicking that button. I remember being new and getting my first lurves and how neat that felt, and I dig giving that back to someone.
Love ya too, @Blondesjon ;)
I do have lurve pity. I can’t help it. But, I only do it once..then they have to actually have a great answer or question.
Nah, I give lurve based on the answer. If it is well thought out, funny, or helpful, I’ll give lurve. :)
That said, I’m not hard to please.
I generally stick to giving lurve to great answers but I’ve been known to throw lurve at anyone and everyone because, as part of the Fluther collective, they take the time to be here to share with us and that is meaningful in my eyes. In laymen’s terms, you Jellies make the Fluther experience great and my lurve is your lurve.
Nope… I’m an equal opportunity lurver.
Usually, just the answer. But f I see hints of a good fluther member in the making I have been known to give some lurve encouragement. Not if they don’t deserve it, but I’m more inclined to hand it out once or twice.
When I first started, those first few lurves made me feel appreciated and kept me looking for more. So, I pass that on if I can.
I have lurved everyone here, because I can’t stop. I am in too good a mood.
it’s usually based on the answer only, but if i’m on that ‘to lurve or not to lurve’ borderline, if they’re a new jelly i feel like i should get the ball rolling on their lurvin’, and that’s sometimes the final deciding factor for me. i think encouragement plays a big part in the enthusiasm in aspiring new jellies, so if i see someone i think has true jelly potential, i’m usually swayed to get their lurvin’ ball rolling.
also, i’d like to clarify, they only get on that lurve or not to lurve borderline if the answer was good. i don’t want to be classically conditioning new jellies to keep giving lame answers.
it depends on if I think the question is “great” or not
Psh, I wish,
(let the record show my current Lurve score is 58)
@bobisho. Not anymore because I just lurved you. Welcome to Fluther. =)
@Bluefreedom Thanks! I feel accepted! High point of my fluther day!
Free lurve for everyone, man :-)
I give out random lurve using an algorithm that includes the number of letters in a persons handle, the number of pixels of a certain shade of green in their avatar, and the number of words with seven letters or more in their answer. So, no, newbies don’t get preferential treatment. Except if they bribe me.
Actually, I give it for the answer and, lately, I make sure to go back to the people that answered my question and try to give lurve to most.
i am picky. “great” is a strong word!
no, I never look at scores. I just click on the GA if I really believe it is.
I am generally more inclined to give GAs to people answering my own Qs, because of the trouble they went into trying to help me. But their score (or who they are) is never a factor.
I don’t really pay attention to lurve. But I will say as a general rule I don’t give out any good questions. Don’t really know why.
It’s based on the answer only. I don’t usually look at how much lurve someone has – that’s not always an indicator of a good or bad answer. Great questions are the same. It depends on the quality of the question.
Based on the answer mainly, but I may give some “encouragement” lurve to a newbie for a good answer. I’m a lurver not a fighter anyway, so I’m pretty generous to everyone except for textspeakers or trolls.
I should mention that I agree with Jack, I find it incredibly difficult to stop giving lurve to people in my questions. They took time, and unless they’re just being useless or completely wrong, they deserve recognition for their efforts.
I give lurve based on the answer. I never thought about the question, ty for reminding me. :-)
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