General Question

andrew's avatar

How do you keep score in French?

Asked by andrew (16543points) April 1st, 2009

Are there different colloquialisms for score-keeping in French? For example, if we’re playing racquetball, and we’re tied at 5, I might say “fives”. Would you say the same in french?

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18 Answers

Ivan's avatar

Well, the only experience I have is from watching the French Open all my life. Obviously that’s a very formal setting, but I’ve never heard them do anything other than simply list the score as numbers. ‘Cinq – cinq’ for instance.

galileogirl's avatar

Don’t they just put notches on the bedpost?

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Oui, ou on peut utiliser la phrase “la meme,” mais @Ivan est correct, je pense. Je suis desolee que je n’ai pas utiliser des accents.

@galileogirl: Votre reponse n’est pas drole.

galileogirl's avatar

Tits:YOU were never my target audience, so go drole yourself. <;P

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Je suis tres drole, merci beaucoup. C’est un compliment pour moi.

galileogirl's avatar

It wasn’t meant to be, but I guess at least you think I’m drole so where’s the lurve?

andrew's avatar

@TitsMcGhee So no “cinqs”?

Harp's avatar

“Cinq partout” (five everywhere) would be the way to say that.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@andrew: Je pense que non. C’est possible que Harp est correct.

@galileogirl: Je ne pense pas que vous etes drole. Je pense que vous amere, mesquine, et enfantine, et votre reponses sont mechante.

AstroChuck's avatar

@Ivan- I thought the last administration renamed it the “Freedom Open.”

Harp's avatar

J’en suis meme certain (mois non plus, je n’ai pas d“accents sur mon clavier)

mirifique's avatar

@TitsMcGhee “Je ne pense pas que vous soyez drĂ´le.”

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@Harp: Je n’ai pas des accents aussi.

@mirifique: Oh la la, merci. Mon grammaire n’est pas parfait, c’est certain!

Harp's avatar

@andrew The plurals of the French numbers are pronounced exactly the same as the singulars, so they would be indistinguishable.

andrew's avatar

@harp: exactly. That’s why I was wondering if there was a difference in French since there’d be no auditory difference between cinq et cinqs.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@andrew: In general, it’s pretty hard to hear pluralization in French, which is why correct pronoun usage (le or la versus les, son or sa versus ses, etc.) is so vital.

andrew's avatar

@TitsMcGhee Which is exactly what I’m finding as I learn it—though I’m much better now at hearing le femme verses les femmes.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@andrew: Speaking was always my biggest difficulty because the majority of my French training was in literature, so I was constantly reading (although that didn’t help my grammar in writing much, strangely).

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