General Question

reijinni's avatar

What inexpensive DVD burner do you recommend?

Asked by reijinni (6953points) May 10th, 2009
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2 Answers

eambos's avatar

I have this exact burner, and it works great for me, in my older computer. It’s quiet, fast, and very inexpensive. If you know how to install new hardware, this burner should be fine. If you don’t know what you are doing, it might be a bit confusing because it is an OEM piece.

It uses IDE, which is the older type of cable. It looks like a gray ribbon, versus the newer, thin SATA cable. For an SATA model, I suggest this burner, which I also own. It is pretty much a SATA version of the first burner, and works just as well.

Either one is fine, you just need to check what kind of cables your computer uses.

arturodiaz's avatar

I recommend a LG, have never failed to me. For a couple dollars more you get one of does instead of a cheap LiteON or something crappy like that

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