General Question

mattbrowne's avatar

Edward de Bono believes that minds can be beautiful or ugly - What do you think about this concept?

Asked by mattbrowne (31732points) May 15th, 2009

People spend a fortune on their appearance — cosmetics, plastic surgery, diets — everyone is trying to be more attractive. But there’s an easier way to become a beautiful person. No matter how you look, if you have a mind that’s fascinating, creative, exciting — if you’re a good thinker — you can be beautiful. And it doesn’t necessarily come from being highly educated, or even from having a great personality; it’s about using your imagination and expanding your creativity.

In clear, practical language, de Bono shows how, by applying lateral and parallel thinking skills to conversation, we can improve our mind. By learning how to listen, make a point, and manoeuvre a discussion, we can become creative and more appealing — more beautiful.

Dr Edward de Bono is widely regarded as the leading world authority in the direct teaching of creative thinking. He has written sixty-three books with translations into thirty-seven languages. Dr de Bono is the originator of the term “Lateral Thinking” and now has a network of 923 trainers in twenty-eight countries around the world teaching his methods in business.

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6 Answers

oratio's avatar

I have always believed that we have thought patterns, a system of thinking that is different between all individuals, but can produce similar or identical ideas. Only that some patterns of thinking is more efficient than others, and that that is the difference of IQ. Which would mean that you can become better at thinking through changing thought pattern.
Silly idea maybe.
It seems that what you talk about here is EQ. I any case, I think it makes sense.

Beautiful and ugly seems rather inappropriate descriptions though

wundayatta's avatar

Beautiful? Ugly? Irrelevant when it comes to minds. They are just normative terms, and have no place in this or any discussion. I mean, are there any criteria for determining the beauty of a mind? And if so, who gets to say what those criteria are?

Imagination and creativity are something different, and, in my opinion, are a useful and fun thing. I like imaginative and creative people. I like it when they surprise me, or they create something interesting to experience.

Maybe we can make beautiful conversation—again, I don’t know if the term makes sense. Certainly we can make more or less creative conversation. I figure it’s my job to make any conversation interesting. Sometimes I’m talking to a wet blanket, who just refuses to engage. Other than that, I find people are pretty interesting in general, no matter what they do or who they are.

I also don’t know what “Improve the mind” means. Does that mean acquiring more knowledge? Does that mean enhancing intelligence (whatever that is)? Does that mean becoming more creative (again, whatever that is)?

Minds are minds. Some move quickly, others don’t. Some remember a lot, others don’t. Some know a lot, others don’t. If beauty is something measurable based on these characteristics, then I suppose it means something, but I don’t see why you’d bother to use the term. In fact, “a beautiful mind” seems rather condescending to me. As if we don’t expect someone to be smart and creative and whatever. Who are you to judge? Who is anyone to judge?

All we have are relationships. Appreciation for another person, or not. What I got out of my relationship with you. I can’t make any blanket judgments. I happen to like your questions, Matt, but that’s just me. Other people surely have a different reaction to them. Some probably pass them right over as soon as they see your name. I appreciate you, but I’d never say you have a beautiful mind (or, for that matter, an ugly mind). I wouldn’t say that to anyone.

I guess that means I don’t think much of Dr. de Bono’s concept.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Your mind is what you make it as you absorb, grow, struggle, flourish, etc.

Greenwriter's avatar

Each mind, at least the individual it’s formed, is both beautiful ugly. Hitler wanted to be a painter, many of us can relate to such a dream.

mattbrowne's avatar

@daloon – Creating something interesting… making a conversation interesting… Yes, that’s what de Bono’s book is all about. Using thought-provoking metaphors like beauty related to minds is about creativity in my opinion. Suppose de Bono’s book would have been titled ‘The interesting mind’?

A second intention might be that physical features of a human being should not have exclusive rights of the term ‘beauty’. In fact when you personally meet a boring super model your perception might change. Would you agree?

wundayatta's avatar

When I meet a super boring model, I’ll let you know.

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