General Question

kheredia's avatar

What are some nice but easy to care for flowers?

Asked by kheredia (5566points) July 6th, 2009

I’m trying to fix up my backyard and I want to put in some flowers. I don’t have a lot of experience in gardening so I think I should start out with something that won’t be too hard to take care of.

Any gardening experts out there?

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18 Answers

mzdesigns's avatar

certainly anyone with a flower as their aviator will guide you right :)

kheredia's avatar

I forgot to mention, I have two big dogs so they have to be pretty sturdy flowers.

gailcalled's avatar

Where do you live? Do you know your zone and soil type; do you have sun, shade, moisture, aridity? How much time to you have. How strong are you? What’s your budget?
Do you have critters (deer, chipmunks, rabbits)?

gailcalled's avatar

Dogs can go through anything short of a thorn bush.

chyna's avatar

Impatiens are pretty hardy.

kheredia's avatar

@gailcalled, I live in California, no critters, mostly sunny, I can probably water about every other day, and its not a big yard so I don’t think I’ll have to spend a whole lot.

About the dogs, the grass area is fenced off so they will only have access to that area when I let them.

Dog's avatar

Our three dogs have yet to kill the geraniums that seem to survive despite minimal care.
We are in southern Caifornia

rooeytoo's avatar

I love zinneas, lots and lots of them with snapdragons mixed in. You have to replant every year but they make gorgeous bouquets to cut and take inside and they would probably last a long time in your area.

jamielynn2328's avatar

cosmos are easy too, and simplistically beautiful.

Parrothead's avatar

Dandilions are easy. I can’t seem to get rid of them.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

I second @rooeytoo‘s suggestion. Cleomes are also nice.

Divalicious's avatar

I have evening primrose edging my front walk, and they get trampled many times a day by my large dogs running out to chase rabbits. They seem to thrive with abuse and little water.

gailcalled's avatar

@kheredia : Without more specific info, you are best off going to a local garden center and see what they are selling. California (very long from N to S) covers many gardening zones. Annuals bloom all summer but have to be replanted yearly; perennials cost more and need more care when planting, but will hang around.

Some flowers need alkaline soil and some acid; different plants have different watering requirements; different colors either clash or mesh, height matters. Your garden center can draw you a plan; or get a flower book from your book store; it will have ideas and various plans in it.

(And didn’t you tell us that your larger dog will eat anything? Animal, vegetable or mineral? Aromatics like mint, lavender, bee balm, lemon balm, basil smell nice when crushed or trampled.

Cosmos and cleomes are easy and tall and like sun; impatiens are easy and very short and require shade.

Gardening (including the mistakes…sometimes I think I should skip the middle man and simply plant money) is a very satisfying hobby.

CA gardening zones range from 7 to 24.

I live in low hill country in the NYS snow belt and I am zone 4B.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

I would have said petunias, but now mine are popping up in the neighbor’s lawn. Oh dear!

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Skaggfacemutt's avatar

My new favorite for staying power, color and easy care is snapdragons. Mine come up every year, have many different colors on the same plant, and bloom from mid-spring to well after the snow falls.

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