General Question

Grisaille's avatar

How do you deal with built-up emotion?

Asked by Grisaille (12048points) July 20th, 2009

Trying to find the best way. Because I think I’m going to explode. Help.

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18 Answers

Sariperana's avatar

Excercise! Going for long walks, jogging,anything out doors… keep your head up and your eyes on the horizen, its works magic.

jfos's avatar

Find a barren place outside, or at least one with nobody around, and yell as loud as you can.

tedibear's avatar

Not knowing the situation, all I can say is to find someone to talk to about whatever it is. Once you’ve done that, then Sariperana and jfos have very good advice.

whatthefluther's avatar

Perhaps you should not have let them build up to such a volatile point? It’s always a good idea to keep ones pressure relief valve in good working order. At this point, please keep in mind that someone will have to clean up the mess. Good luck to you. See ya…

Dog's avatar

Where is the emotion coming from and why are you trying to smother it?

Are you not standing up for yourself and allowing someone else to walk over you?

Are you in love but afraid to express it?

The answers above are all great for temporary relief but until you address why you are supressing your emotions to the point of explosion it will cycle back again.

gailcalled's avatar

Small, private and regular poofs of irritation are much better than the occasional volcanic explosion that leaves destruction and lava in its path. Mop the floor, mow the lawn (with a hand mower), prune a tree, move some rocks and build a dry wall, write an essay. If you don’t like your shoes, find a man with no feet.

Shamone_Styles's avatar

I agree with the first answer, Excercise. I’d take advantage of all that built up energy of hate and turn it into painful muscle in the gym. That way something will at least come out positive in the end and I will be happy/ satisfied with my results.

Bobbilynn's avatar

Know that all emotions last for about 11 mins then simmer!
Then smoke a joint

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

The trick is to not let emotion build up. That done by having an outlet like exercise. In addition you have to not hold onto the petty annoyances that are part of everyday life.

SuperMouse's avatar

Put on Road to Ruin by The Ramones, or Never Mind the Bullocks by the Sex Pistols, or Hot Fuss by The Killers – you get the idea, play the music as loud as you can stand and sing – or scream – along. That is a nice safe way to hit the pressure relief valve.

mattbrowne's avatar

Talk to someone you trust and describe your emotions to him or her.

guitargirl101's avatar

let it all out!!

augustlan's avatar

Throw self down on bed. Cry and scream until exhausted. Take nap. Pick self up, dust self off, and move forward.

I hope you find relief, and feel better soon!

Blondesjon's avatar

3 words.


Grisaille's avatar

Sorry guys, I was just dealing with some crap. I generally don’t allow my emotions to become that volatile, I just let everything slide off my back.

I dunno what happened. I took a walk and spent the past few days with some old friends. I’m okay now.

Thanks, to all.

augustlan's avatar

@Grisaille I’m glad you’re in a better state of mind now. Thanks for the update!

whatthefluther's avatar

@Grisaille….Good to hear. I know you’re a survivor, but quit trying to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders….it is not good for your health. Just remember you have lots of friends here both willing and glad to help, anytime you need it. Well, I just woke from a nap and am headed to the parties….see you there…wtf

FrancisRude's avatar

@Grisaille, there are a lot of ways… Sometimes, and most of the times actually, all you need is a listening ear and a person who isn’t a douche to criticize you.. A friend or two to talk about your situation is perfect. I do have a best friend that knows everything about my life because I told him everything.

I also turn into my gf if I need to let out, you can take a good walk, exercise.. This is a bad suggestion, but sometimes a cookie makes me feel better. Just like a little kid, or a yogurt hahaha..

It will be alright :)

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