General Question

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

Does anyone miss the 'Global Cooling' hype from the 1970's. Why?

Asked by Noel_S_Leitmotiv (2719points) July 31st, 2009
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6 Answers

Sarcasm's avatar

I was in my negative-teens by that time, but I miss it. Because a cooler world would be nice.

One of the first episodes (perhaps THE first?) of Sliders, Quinn does go into an alternate world in which “Global Cooling” was being talked about. And his squeeky fence was no longer squeeky.

lloydbird's avatar

Well, it has been a while.., but yes , I do miss it.

Zendo's avatar

What are you talking about. We are having a global cooling trend now. We have been experiencing Dalton’s Minimum for over 5 years now.


tullbejm's avatar

We could use some heat in Milwaukee. It’s been a very mild summer.

mattbrowne's avatar

The general global warming trend is superimposed by El Niño and La Niña effects. Climate change is real and a serious challenge humanity has to deal with.

Anon_Jihad's avatar

I’ve read some old articles and papers on the issue, at least then the numbers and scientific data added up to a bit more than propaganda.

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