Social Question

buzz's avatar

Can you suggest me a good java based chat server?

Asked by buzz (36points) September 25th, 2009

I am working on chat server, like to get crowds help to identify a java open source chat server which is good,reliable and having good forum support.

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6 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

Like real Java (the compiled kind) or a ajax one that uses javascript? Big difference.

If it the second look at this

Most use PHP and MySQL. You need to at least be able to make a database.

jrpowell's avatar

This took about four seconds. example

It is three files.

phoenyx's avatar

quick google search lead me to:

buzz's avatar

looking for real java not javascript

phoenyx's avatar

The java requirement may be a little tricky. Most chat servers (irc or other) that I know of offhand are either C or C++.


although, looks like openfire might also be an option.

MikeWallace's avatar

You might want to check out and ask ths question.

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