General Question

jamzzy's avatar

Im getting blood taken...what excactly will show up?

Asked by jamzzy (885points) October 2nd, 2009

I don’t really want to talk about what i do, but I just want to know what comes up so anyone that sees it like school or family…to just know what to say to them

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15 Answers

bumwithablackberry's avatar

Anything they test for

standardtoaster's avatar

we can’t tell you what will show up unless you tell us what you’ve done to increase the probability of anything showing up

majorrich's avatar

It’s pretty painless. if it is a blood draw for tests, you will be seated in a chair. A nurse will put on a restriction band around your arm, you can squeeze your hand a little to help the veins ‘pop’ She will sterilize the site and insert the needle. Then vials under vacuum will be put into this fixture and blood will squirt into the vial(s). All very painless and kind of neat to watch. Some folks get squeamish, but as you know what is going to happen you should be good to go.

Val123's avatar

It will tell you if you are pregnant.

jamzzy's avatar

just going to say one word that might let everyone know what im trying to ask. DRUGS.

Val123's avatar

Also, they can’t release the results to your family, your school or anyone else unless there is some sort of court order.

Beta_Orionis's avatar

@jamzzy I mean, that was obviously the question. I’m not too familiar with blood tests, but I think it depends on the context of the test. If it’s strictly a health-related blood test, I believe they check the (sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), magnesium, creatinine, glucose, and sometimes calcium) levels. Whether or not any abnormalities in these indicate the use of specific drugs, I do not know.

If they’re doing a drug test via blood analysis, they’re probably going to find anything you’ve done within the last few weeks, if not longer for synthetic drugs like LSD. I’m no expert in this area, so maybe someone else can help me out with whether or not certain drugs do not show evidence in the blood stream.

MagsRags's avatar

Drug screens are usually done on urine, not blood.

There are literally hundreds of tests that can be done on blood, some done frequently and some rarely. Is this a routine type health screen or are you having some sort of problem your care provider is investigating?

standardtoaster's avatar

if you’re specifically getting drug tested, then they will find anything you’ve been using most likely

OpryLeigh's avatar

@jamzzy Thank God for patient confidentiality eh?!

cwilbur's avatar

If this is a blood test to detect drug use, you’re probably screwed.

If it’s a general blood test to check cholesterol, blood sugar, and the like, they probably won’t even test for drugs.

YARNLADY's avatar

There are many different things that can be detected on a blood test. It depends on what your doctor has asked to be screened for. They will give you and your doctor a full disclosure of the results. I can’t imagine why it would be discussed with anyone else.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

A drug screen from urine will find less than a drug screen from hair. I had an acquaintance fail the hair test for several months even after using special shampoos, drinks and pills to cleanse his system. He shaved his head in order to have fresh hair to test and still failed for more than 45 days.

Tink's avatar


majorrich's avatar

Oh.. you were wondering what could be found in a blood sample. Really depends on what they are looking for. If it is illicit recreational substances,and you haven’t time to detox. you are meat.

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