General Question

hillo's avatar

What could I do to stop feeling constantly tired?

Asked by hillo (61points) October 11th, 2009

I do a fair amount of exercise and my diet is ok.

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11 Answers

scamp's avatar

Do you get enough sleep/rest? That is also very important.

judochop's avatar

Sounds to me like you
might be depressed. Have you tried a steady schedule?

mramsey's avatar

I am having the same problem. It’s because my sleep pattern has recently changed because of school and my new job.
I find that taking a shower as soon as I get up, rather than lounging around for awhile gets me a little more energized.

I’d love to hear some suggestions as well!

aphilotus's avatar

See a doctor. It could be any number of things, really.

Iron deficiency, a parasite infection, brain chemistry issues, something psychological, something genetic, etc.

Or maybe just feeling weird.

hillo's avatar

I go to sleep around 10–11 and wake up around 6

scamp's avatar

Are you under a lot of stress? I agree with @aphilotus that you should get a check up to see if there is something physical that maight be the cause of this. there are many things that can make one feel tired all the time, and your doctor can help you sort out the root cause.

ccrow's avatar

Start taking a multivitamin if you don’t already. And to get your sleep schedule stabilized, you should really try to get up the same time each day, even if you don’t have to. Exercise is a big help, but you should make sure you’re not doing it too close to bedtime, as it will interfere with getting a good night’s sleep. It sounds like you’re getting a good amount of sleep; maybe you’re just not acclimated to the change yet.

SarasWhimsy's avatar

Have eggs – or some form of protein – for breakfast in the morning, and shower and get around shortly after waking up. Try those to things every day for a week or two. If you don’t notice a difference, speak with your doctor.

ru2bz46's avatar

Do you drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages? Try cutting those out of your diet. When I drank coffee regularly, I would take a nap in the afternoon at my desk. Since I cut that out, I’ve had much more energy during the day, wake up easier, etc. No more naps!

kevbo's avatar

Get your thyroid checked. If you snore or have a large neck (17 inches or larger) investigate sleep apnea as a possibility.

Darwin's avatar

I, too, suggest seeing a doctor as well as evaluating your stress and depression levels. There are a lot of causes of feeling tired all the time. Some can be fixed medically or through diet, while some need you to change how you do things.

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