General Question

jamcanfi74's avatar

Ghost experiences, do you believe in them?

Asked by jamcanfi74 (444points) December 12th, 2009

A few years ago I saw a “smokey” like figure that looked like an older woman wearing a nightgown. I couldn’t make out her face. And when I was younger, I use to feel someone brushing by me, tapping me on the shoulder, or making things move or lights go out round me. I use to say “stop it grandpa” and it quit. I don’t have nmy memories of grandpa, he died when I as18 months old but I believe he does (did) that to me. I’ve been told that what I described is something grandpa would have done when he was alive because he was a pranktser. Has anyone else experenced anything else like this? Do you believe passed on loved ones come back to protect you or mess with you?

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3 Answers

OpryLeigh's avatar

Although I have never experienced anything that I would have said is a ghostly experience I certainly believe other people when they say they have and I am always interested too hear about peoples experiences with the supernatural. It sounds like your experiences are mostly positive.

Bobcomputerguy's avatar

Got in a jam on a very snowy night. Got stuck in a busy highway. I saw a light and a figure was holding back the traffic . Then my car came out okay. When i opened my window he was gone. When i told that story to a medium she said it was my grandfather my guardian angel.

325123abc's avatar

I do, but only people I trust.Some people like to make up stories to get attention.

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