Social Question

TexasDude's avatar

How authoritarian are you?

Asked by TexasDude (25274points) December 13th, 2009

Someone once said that “we all love freedom, as long as it fits our ideas of what freedom is.”

How do you decide what freedom is?

On what basis do you think it is okay to restrict the freedoms of others?

Does your right to swing your fist end where another’s nose begins?

Are you willing to oblige other’s the same right?

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14 Answers

holden's avatar

Where does “autocrat” fall on your scale?

colliedog's avatar

I’ll only take a swing if I think I can kick someone’s ass. Which means I’m usually the one running for the door at the first sign of trouble. In fact that’s what my nightmares often involve – being physically assaulted by a group of strangers and desperately trying to find an escape in the absence of any physical or strategic prowess.

DominicX's avatar

Does your right to swing your fist end where another’s nose begins?

Yep, that pretty much explains my view on freedom. You have freedom to do what you want until it encroaches on someone else’s freedom.

SirGoofy's avatar

Tuck that shirt in!!! Pop that blister!!! Drop and give me 25 mister!!

augustlan's avatar

I am in complete agreement with @DominicX.

sjmc1989's avatar

I’m not authoritarian per se I’m more of a…how do I put this?...I’m a doormat!

HasntBeen's avatar

“Domineering” is the word I would use. It’s a bad habit I have trouble reining in… forgetting to respect another’s right to choose. I support in in theory, but practice exerts strains on my limited self-discipline :)

Of course, I’m regularly reminded by the recipients of this flawed attitude—in the form of invective and raised fingers. But failing to listening to the feedback is another flaw… :)

TexasDude's avatar

At least you’re honest, @HasntBeen!

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Rights are meaningless without responsibilities. I suppose that statement puts me in the fist/nose group. 80% of laws exist because 20% of the population seeks to avoid responsible behavior.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I suppose I can be intimidating but I am not very good with authority myself so wouldn’t mind if my ‘followers’ had a problem with me

TexasDude's avatar

Thank you kindly everyone. I am going to have to use a mobile device for a while to acess fluther, making it very difficult to address individual users or to enter discussions, so please accept my apologies if I dont address you immediately.

HasntBeen's avatar

No way. I insist on immediate responses or I’m telling mommy.

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