General Question

camouflage_pants's avatar

For the sexually adventurous, would you buy one of these (NSFW)

Asked by camouflage_pants (413points) December 27th, 2009

I recently saw this ad and wondered, am I the only one likely to spend the $60 asking price on this unusual sex toy? What are your thoughts on this novel approach to oral sex? Pros, cons, thoughts?

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64 Answers

Violet's avatar

No. I have seen a much larger one in action, and it doesn’t work like you’d hope. It literally smacks your clitoris over and over. It actually looked painful. The one if your link looks even more painful that the one I saw. The “tongues” look hard to plastic-like.

laureth's avatar

One of the things I like best about my partner’s, uhm, attention, is that it varies. A little this way, a little that way, lingering longer if I’m making happy noises, that sort of thing. I think the toy might be a little more predictable, more mechanical, especially if I’m the one operating it. Sort of like getting it on with a portable desk fan.

If I were rich and single, perhaps. But until then, I think the boy might be better than the toy. ;)

Facade's avatar

Doesn’t look that adventurous to me…

I doubt I’d buy that. I’m already satisfied with the vibrator(s) I have and have other things on my wish list haha =)

jbfletcherfan's avatar

The first thing I wanted to do when I saw that was laugh. In a word…would I buy one? NO! Especially not at $60! In oral sex, you don’t just want the tongue action. You want sucking along with it. So I don’t think this would interest me in the least. Nothing beats the real thing!

filmfann's avatar

wha a gwate giff! I coo ooze wha oh dose

Grisaille's avatar

I don’t know, but it’s fucking hilarious looking.

camouflage_pants's avatar

<—- curious to know what @Facade considers adventurous.

phillis's avatar

I gotta go with Vi on this one. You can’t tell the softness of those “tongues”. You could spend $60 and shipping charges both ways, if they’re as hard as they look. Then there’s the problem of how fast it spins. If it doesn’t spin fast enough, you’ll be slapped over and over again, instead of having a constant flowing motion. I’d never order this one online.

Facade's avatar

@camouflage_pants I’ll never tell :P

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@phillis You’d be slapped???!! LOLLL Ooohhh…nooooo. Hahahaaaaaaa sorry

SamIAm's avatar

that’s kinda crazy and i agree with all the tongue/sucking necessity, but i guess it depends on what you’re looking for! i just got mine in the mail today (well yesterday, but opened it just a few minutes ago) i paid 60 for it and it’s called the krystal wabbit… looks pretty great, i’ve heard good things about it!!

phillis's avatar

@jbfletcherfan On the Clitoris! I should’ve been a bit more clear :D

Grisaille's avatar

It really does look like the love child of a computer fan and an Advair asthma inhaler.

I’m just sayin’

Haleth's avatar

That’s an interesting idea for a sex toy, but it seems more like a funny/ novelty item than something you might use often. It would be better if you could see it in person before spending money on it. A lot of adult toy stores will put batteries in an item. You can hold it in your hand (often they’ll have you touch it through a plastic bag) and get an idea of the strength of the vibration. For this toy it’s also important to know what the tongues are made of. If they’re not a very soft material it could be very uncomfortable. And is it just me or does this toy look like a bubble tape dispenser??

There’s actually another vibrator out there that’s sort of the same idea, called the “mini tongue.“ It’s super creepy looking and the movement seemed weird, but when I worked at an adult toy store we actually sold a lot of them. I don’t really get it.

It’s risky buying anything that’s brand new on the market, but babeland is one of the best places to get a sex toy if you’re going to shop online. They have another vibrator called the layaspot, which is a pretty good vibrator. You can use the tip for clit stimulation, but it’s also curved so you can hit the g-spot. It has strong vibration and different patterns like pulsation, wave, things like that.

Allie's avatar

I doubt I’d ever buy that. I don’t even own a vibrator. I’m very content with how I can make myself feel with just my fingers.

Jude's avatar

Nah. That looks—uncomfortable. I’ll stick with the organ that is warm, wet, squishy (with the right bit of firmness) which can flick in multiple directions, thank-you very much. And, no sucking? No deal.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@phillis Oh, I KNEW that. I was just laughing about what you said. ;-)

@jmah My thoughts exactly. Nothing beats the real deal.

phillis's avatar

I WAS pretty funny, the image it gave. Hehehe :)

camouflage_pants's avatar

well, it is unanimous, real tongues win, fake tongues lose. Last great item I bought at Babeland was one of these. Needs no batteries, but the possibilities are endless.

laureth's avatar

@camouflage_pants – Glass?! Hope it doesn’t break from vigorous use!

Haleth's avatar

@Violet Woah, I never knew about either of those things.

SABOTEUR's avatar

I have yet to buy a sex toy that my wife would agree to use.

I’d come to the conclusion that my wife was just not adventurous when it came to sex toys, but after reading the previous comments, I’m more inclined to believe these devices appeal more to what a man thinks a woman will enjoy that what a woman actually wants.

dpworkin's avatar

Oy. Live and learn.

Violet's avatar

@Haleth they are very expensive, unless home made, but they can be dangerous (many are made from Chainsaws, or Sawzall)

jamielynn2328's avatar

I am not against sex toys as a whole group, but this one freaks me out a little. But I’m not really into the whole oral sex thing, so I would imagine I do not need this to replace what I already do not like.

ratboy's avatar

I might get one as a labor saving device for my cat (licking her fur, not my genitals).

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Violet I want to say something, but I don’t know what. (maybe one more glass of wine will loosen my tongue, LOLL). I want to laugh, & yet I’m astounded that those girls would get on there with that crazy Howard Stern, of all people, & demonstrate that machine. And yes, they DO look wicked. And not in a good way. I’d think there would be a lot of things that could go wrong with that set-up.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@ratboy Okay…I just blew my wine….......LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

Violet's avatar

@jbfletcherfan do you not watch porn?

rooeytoo's avatar

I’m telling you, if you have an Oral B electric toothbrush, it works better than anything else. (Whose brush head you use, is up to you, heheheh)

rooeytoo's avatar

@Facade hehehehe, back atcha!

Vunessuh's avatar

@Violet—That girl in the video squirting all over everybody is Annie Cruz. That girl’s cum has been all over everybody and their mother. I’m surprised that I recognize her.

That contraption makes me laugh, but I’ve seen worse. Just go to Vegas and browse through the annual porn convention they have. Fleshlights are pretty interesting.

And regarding the Sqweel, looks like you might be able to get a nice rim job out of it too.

Would I buy it? No. I’ll stick with my Sharper Image back massager. That seems to work quite well for me.

Or as @rooeytoo mentioned. An electric toothbrush might do the trick. Plus, your pussy will smell all minty afterwards.

Violet's avatar

@Vunessuh that was my first “vibrator”.. a back massager. I didn’t get a rabbit until a year or 2 ago.

Vunessuh's avatar

@Violet I love my back massager. I never knew what a rabbit was until you mentioned it several days ago. Maybe I’ll go out and buy myself a belated Christmas gift. Just looking at it turns me on.

Violet's avatar

@Vunessuh I recommend you get it off Amazon, and don’t spend more than $25.

Vunessuh's avatar

I happen to have an Amazon giftcard for $25. How perfect is that?

Violet's avatar

@Vunessuh totally perfect!!!

proXXi's avatar

For clitoral orgasms?

I’d say yes.

mrentropy's avatar

I’m game for just about anything. $60 is a bit much, though.

lovemypits86's avatar

Rabbit is by far the best i’ve come across. That toy just seems like it would feel wierd.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Vunessuh Go to & search ‘butterfly kiss’. OMG! $20, I think…

Jude's avatar

See, a vibe is bit too much for me. I use it to the point to where I’m numb. Heh. I much prefer using my fingers or I hop into the tub and use the shower massager (place it a good angle). I’m able to “squirt” that way.

Vunessuh's avatar

@jbfletcherfan Ohhh, it is only $20. The reviews all seem very positive too.
But that Snuggie on the homepage caught my attention too. Bahaha.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Vunessuh take my word for it. It does a fiiiiiine job. LOLLLLLL

(forget the snuggie..LOL)

Vunessuh's avatar

@jbfletcherfan LAWL! I will take your word for it. :D

jbfletcherfan's avatar


rooeytoo's avatar

I just (partially) watched a really stupid movie and the woman was wearing underpants with a built in vibrator. That scene was pretty funny.

Vunessuh's avatar

@rooeytoo Oh yes, the vibrating panties. Violet probably knows more about these than I do, but I’m positive they sale them in sex stores. I think they come with a remote and someone else can control when they go on and off. That is, if you’re brave enough to have someone else control it. Hehe. Especially if you’re in a public place.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@rooeytoo And you can buy them where????? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL

rooeytoo's avatar

@jbfletcherfan heheheh I don’t have a clue, I __truly__ saw them in a bad movie. I can’t remember the name at the moment, but I will check if you like!

I keep telling you the toothbrush is the go!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@rooeytoo LOLLLLLLLL…I have one, but I only use it on one end…my mouth. ’-)

jbfletcherfan's avatar

’‘We’re sorry. The Web address you entered is not a functioning page on our site”

Vunessuh's avatar

Damn it.
Well they do exist. They’re on Amazon. And they’re hawt black lacy panties too.
Can somebody teach me how to do that link thing? I still don’t understand how to do it from the instructions. Where you link something into one word?

jbfletcherfan's avatar


Violet's avatar

The vibrator that is built into the panties seems like a fun idea, but I recommend something like the Butterfly. You can still wear it (I don’t know anything about these sites, I am just using them as references.)
(you can also get without the remote)
A friend of mine said it’s great. I have not personally tried one, but it is something I do want.
Try Amazon. Do NOT use the adam eve sex toy site. You will get spam sent to your house, and through e-mail. And not just spam, Nigerian scams.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Violet It wouldn’t do for me to wear this at work. I’d be doing the shimmy all over the place…..LOL.

Violet's avatar

@jbfletcherfan I would never wear that to work. I would never do anything sexual at work.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Violet I know..I was just having a little fun there…..

sleepdoc's avatar

@jmah… Your answers are great!

@Samantha_Rae .. I don’t see a post since you got it .. are you…. tied up?

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