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LindaWatkins's avatar

What is a good reading education philosophy for my reading portfolio?

Asked by LindaWatkins (19points) January 24th, 2010

I have to write a page on this and I don’t know exactly where to start.

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7 Answers

Likeradar's avatar

What’s your philosophy about teaching reading?
Your philosophy statement should be reflection of you.

marinelife's avatar

What do you think how to teach reading? What do you think the importance of reading is to a student?

filmfann's avatar

This might not be an answer to your question, but it is a good place to express my view:

In the last 30 years we have pushed our children to read earlier and earlier.
It is now expected that they should be able to read simple books by the time they enter 1st grade.
The result is that those who can’t, fall behind. When they fall behind, they usually stay behind.
The impact is that kids, on average, are dropping out in greater numbers because they were never able to keep up, because they started out so far behind.
The policy that was supposed to help our kids advance, ended up creating a larger drop out rate.

Pandora's avatar

Moby Dick. (you waste your life and end up alone if you devote your time in chasing a white whale)

EdMayhew's avatar

Like @filmfann, I’m not exactly sure what your question means, but I’d say a good philosophy for reading education would be that it’s better to read less material and understand it deeply than it is to read a lot of material and not understand it. You could expand that into a page really easily.


Scarlett's avatar

” Sophies World – The History of Philosophy ” is a very good, easy book to read that goes into many older and model philosophy subjects/branches. Definitely check out the book for anybody interested in reading on philosophy.

mtirado's avatar

I am a bit confused by your question, are you looking at teaching reading to school age children or in general for yourself? Are you in a credential program?

If you are looking for a good place to start for technique as far as teaching comprehension, phonemic awarness and really everything else in that vein is the Teaching Reading sourcebook by Honig Diamond and Gutlohn. Teaching reading is really challenging and it really depends on the level of the person/student and classroom. I believe it to be one of the hardest subjects to teach as well.

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