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tadpole's avatar

Looking for an iphone/ipod case?

Asked by tadpole (712points) February 18th, 2010


trying to track down a case that was made for either an ipod or an iphone..that’s a bit vague, i know, but all i can remember…i’m looking to buy it if i can find it, depending on what models are available, if any…

i remember it was pricey, a hard exterior case, maybe of metal, that was used with screws (plural) when put together over the outside of the ipod/iphone….it came in bright colours, i can picture the green one, and had a snazzy design or pattern on the back, though you could put what you wanted when ordering…

can’t find it anywhere…sure i would recognize the name when i heard it of the model or company….the need to use screws was criticized, as was the price…i am wondering if they went out of isn’t the metal case made by exovault, but that’s the closest in resemblance i can find….this one was a bit jazzier in design, the exovault is more minimal, more toned down…

any help would be appreciated!!!

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6 Answers

LunaChick's avatar

I’ve been very curious about this, ever since you asked the question, so I’ve been trying to find what you explained. From what I can find, it sounds like the Element Case.

You specifically mentioned a green one and I found this picture – I hope this is what you were looking for. The cases are quite nice and I like the fact that you can add custom artwork.

tadpole's avatar

yes yes yes, luna chick, you found it, the element cases range…thank you soooooo much!

the green is there too, called sour apple….

i am hoping to get one now for my ipod touch, they say available soon…

thanks so much for solving this…would be interested to know how you found it….i spent ages with no success…

LunaChick's avatar

I googled metal case with screws and slowly started narrowing it down by eliminating the ones I was pretty sure it wasn’t. I’m glad I was able to help. It’s an awesome case and, if I had the money, I might get one.

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tadpole's avatar

@season hi thanks but no….lunachick got the right one….thanks for looking though…

tadpole's avatar

@lunachick yes it’s as awesome as i remember it…thanks again and hope you can afford one soon… :-)

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