General Question

Jay484's avatar

How does one get rid of a sunburn?

Asked by Jay484 (1555points) June 1st, 2010

I have a sunburn on my neck and it really hurts and i don’t know who to get rid of it. any help

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3 Answers

shilolo's avatar

You can’t get rid of it. You can put a lot of soothing substances on it (like aloe vera), but that will only temporarily make it feel better. Sorry.

Tobotron's avatar

simply put you can’t only hydrating the skin will help and that will either prolong how long it takes till it peels and if your very lucky stop it from peeling if its a mild burn, ultimately the body will reject any skin that burns and dies as a form of protection from the sun damage.

iam2smart99037's avatar

You have to restore moisture to the skin. I have the best results with Cetaphil cream (the kind in the round tub) There’s also a Wal-mart/Equate brand that’s cheaper. Aloe gels and Solarcaine products work well for temporary relief, but liberal amounts of Cetaphil work the best. Also turning a fan on will cool the area and just make life better. Make sure to use a moisturizer though, because using only a fan will just dry the skin out more.

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