Social Question

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Is it time to divvy up the Information Cloud?

Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies (30954points) August 5th, 2010

For example:

Large Info Sources should be considered as Cirrus or Cirrostratus. Google and Youtube would fit this dynamic.

Medium Info Sources tagged with Altocumulus or Altostratus. Medical Q&A or University research facilities for this level.

Small Info Sources tagged as Nimbostratus or Stratocumulus. These are personal clouds such as your Facebook page, your personal Forum history, or even just your personal address book and online calendar.

Companies with strong vertical growth would be said to be in a state of Cumulonimbus.

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21 Answers

johnnydohey's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies, Are you trying to be an advocate for these types of companies? Isn’t it their responsibility? Sounds like you got bought out or fallen to some strategically placed subliminal messages.

wundayatta's avatar

Don’t you think it would be easier to use an airplane metaphor? Google is a Boeing 747, IBM is a 767; and your facebook site is a piper cub.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

@johnnydohey Well thanks for the psycho analysis friend. I usually have to pay $70 per hour for such qualified opinions as to why certain things are on my mind. You’ve single handedly uncovered my evil plot to promote corporate intentions, whilst giving me clues as to how I fell prey to them in the first place. Impressive @johnnydohey. We are fortunate to have you here.

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lazydaisy's avatar

well maybe, but then you would have the largest companies sharing the largest cloud, likely paying the least for the resources.

My facebook page might suffer

@johnnydohey I fail to understand your logic. What in the world do african americans, homosexuals or prop 8 have to do with this question. This seems irrelevant.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

He’s a playful troll dear. Careful of his trippy trap. You know how I do so enjoy entertaining trolls. There is a notable pattern. I ask a question or make a comment. Then @johnnydohey avoids the issue altogether in favor of psycho analyzing me. After a few retorts, I finally get him to address the issue at hand. It’s a harmless little experiment I’m running to determine if there is a proven methodology which could encourage otherwise very intelligent people to actually contribute and engage in intelligent discussion, rather than resort to outlandish statements designed to ruffle the feathers of astonished onlookers.

I feel flattered that @johnnydohey has taken such a fondness to me. We’re cool as long as he doesn’t begin stalking me on my way home from the ice cream parlor.

And @lazydaisy, the largest companies would indeed share the largest cloud. And not only would they pay the least for the resources, but they would charge the John Q. Pubic a premium price to participate. Consider it the new religion, where the Magi of Modernity hold the secrets, and we, as ignorant sinners must pay to earn our salvation.

If anyone were to offend the Magi, then off with their heads! The latest Wikki Leaks scandal is a view of what we can expect to see more of in the future. One US Senator has actually called for the Private to be executed for treason.

It is clearly stated, over and over again in the Bible, that the return of Christ will be upon the Clouds of Heaven. That time will be a terrible time for the deceitful and wicked among us, for total disclosure is the enemy they fear most horribly. But the Truth is coming nonetheless. They kill one Private today, and another will rise in his place. Soon, very soon, we shall no longer be capable of lying to one another.

You remember our old discussion years ago. Who is watching the watchers? The Magi are running scared.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

@johnnydohey “If we discuss here how much we like or don’t like cloud information, do you think it makes a difference?”

It makes a difference to me @johnnydohey. That’s why I asked the question. And I certainly do value your participation. I’m confident you could contribute more to the philosophical implications of my proposition, were it not for your tendency to analyze the perceived hidden motives of the questioner.

I asked this in the Social section specifically to encourage you and others to flex their imagination a bit… such as @wundayatta expressed from his particular perspective. Come on man… flex a bit and show off that wonderful mind of yours. No need to make everything so personal between us.

johnnydohey's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies wrote, “He’s a playful troll dear. Careful of his trippy trap.”

He? I indicated my gender to you? Also, who’s analyzing now?

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies wrote, “Then @johnnydohey avoids the issue altogether in favor of psycho analyzing me. After a few retorts, I finally get him to address the issue at hand.”

You didn’t get me to address the issue at hand. I thought that bringing in an example of the issue would enlighten you on how irrelevant this thread is to you, me, and anyone else. Seems like you didn’t receive that message.

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies wrote, “It’s a harmless little experiment I’m running to determine if there is a proven methodology which could encourage otherwise very intelligent people to actually contribute and engage in intelligent discussion, rather than resort to outlandish statements designed to ruffle the feathers of astonished onlookers.”

That’s a nice attitude you have there, perceiving all as lab mice in your “cleverly” planned maze. That super ego of yours clearly has no bound. Also, was it not you who scoffed at me based on speculation that I was using a thesaurus in my writings? Thanks to you, I had to dumb down my comments for everyone to understand me.

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies wrote, “It makes a difference to me @johnnydohey. That’s why I asked the question.”

Correction, you THINK it makes a difference to you. I’m performing an act of kindness in showing you the importance of relevancy.

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies wrote, “I asked this in the Social section specifically to encourage you and others to flex their imagination a bit…”

Imaginations are for children and the troubled adults too escape their brutal existence. It’s a relevant tool but a time waster when encouraged to be utilized in threads.

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RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

So predictable. I had higher hopes. But don’t worry johnny, I haven’t given up on you yet.

johnnydohey's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies wrote, “That time will be a terrible time for the deceitful and wicked among us, for total disclosure is the enemy they fear most horribly. But the Truth is coming nonetheles.”

You write this and then call me predictable? If what you say comes true, you’re in as much trouble as the Magi, considering your deceitful and wicked inquisitions, along with the commentary. Why don’t you ask “Christ”, if I’m speaking any sense to you? I haven’t given up on you yet either.

johnnydohey's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies wrote, “I asked this in the Social section specifically to encourage you and others to flex their imagination a bit…”

Look at all the hundreds of responds you got from people “flexing their imagination a bit”. If you don’t heed my words, at least see the practical end result?

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wundayatta's avatar

One day (well, we think it was day; it could have been night; there are no time zones for data) Goldilocks got lost in the cloud. No really. A real Goldilocks, not a virtual one. She was wandering around really quite lost. Everywhere she looked: nothing but white. Sometimes the white was whiter and sometimes darker but it was always white.

She was beginning to experiment with better ways of getting the cloud to condense on her face (she was quite thirsty), when she tripped over the front step of a very large, carnivorous house (she didn’t know it was carnivorous, though). Anyway, after rubbing her forehead and finding a nasty bump there from where she had banged against the not-at-all-cloudlike door.

When the world stopped spinning, and she had finished heaving (didn’t notice the tongue of the house quickly licking out and slopping up her heavings), she looked up. She saw a rather impending door. That is to say, the door was impending—soon to be there, although not yet quite there. She was going to wonder how she could have bumper her head so hard on a door that was not yet there when she saw the words above the door:

Troll’s House.

Well, our dear Goldilocks, despite being naive, was no fool. At least, not that kind of fool. She stood up—momentarily thinking she might address the ground with the last of her lunch—and then, without knocking, stepped across the threshold. Just in time—as when she was in the house, the door suddenly stopped impending and started being here. Now.

It instantiated with a large clap of thunder. There was some electrical activity in the air and suddenly Goldilocks hair became all frizzy, which disturbed her enormously, as she had spent forty-nine minutes that morning getting her hair just right. Standards, you know.

Well, one look back at the door made it clear she was not going to get out that way. For one thing the handle was way up higher than she could reach, and for another, there didn’t seem to be a handle. That’s how it is in the cloud. Data never stays in one place very long.

Anyway, she soon found herself in a room that she identified as the living room, although I’m not sure any of us would have wanted to do any living there. It smelled like a cross between a dairy barn and a sulphurous spring. There were mouldering goat carcasses lying around everywhere. The walls looked like they had been painted with a combination of pig shit and mosquito larvae.

But she was tired and wanted to put her feet up, so she pushed the goat carcass off the chair she was standing next to, to sit down. Of course it was extremely uncomfortable because she kind of fell down into the seat like it was a hammock, and there were lots of creepy-crawly things there.

“Eeek,” she shrieked, leaping out of the chair. It was way too big. So she climbed up on the second chair, which was not quite as messy, but was still too big. Finally, she sat down on the smallest chair, and finding that it fit her perfectly, she leaned back only to find that the chair collapsed and she landed on the floor. A siren began to go off, too. “Intruder. Intruder,” a mechanical voice shouted.

Anyhoo, she hightailed it into the kitchen, which gleamed a sterile white. It took her aback a bit, since she knew what story she was living out, and this did not compute.

Except, it did compute. That’s about all it did. She had stumbled into a server farm, and lucky her, hungry as she was, a server came up to her just them with a giant haunch that could have come from…. well, she didn’t want to think. She reached out to touch the meat, and nearly burned her hand off. “Ouch!”

She shook her head, and the server went away, to be replaced almost instantly with another server bearing a smaller haunch that seemed to glimmer a blue light. Something told her that this server was running on a cryonic computer, and that if she touched that platter, her hand would instantly freeze to 77 degrees above absolute zero and break off (I told you she was no fool). So she passed again.

Well, you know the story. The next platter contained Troll House Cookies fresh from the oven. They were the perfect temperature so she ate them all up, without a thought for anyone else. Then she sat down with a thump. She began to worry whether she should have eaten all those… were they really cookies? Now that they were inside her, they felt like computer chips.

Ok, so she was feeling tired, and she was going to take the elevator up to the bedroom (at least, that’s where she assumed the elevator went), when all of a sudden this family of trolls show up. Daddy troll, Mommy troll and Baby troll. At least, that’s what the writing on their T-shirts said.

Goldilocks was now quite concerned because we were only in act two, and the trolls weren’t supposed to show up until act three.

Let that be a lesson to you!

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RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Do you “here” or hear? Maybe that’s the issue. You don’t hear. There’s help for that you know.

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RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

BTW @johnnydohey, I want you to know how much I adore your company. Conversing with you has surpassed my previously favorite boredom relief of flicking paper clips at the cat. My cat and I both thank you for the entertaining discourse.

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