Meta Question

Jude's avatar

How would you feel about meeting other jellies in real life?

Asked by Jude (32204points) August 5th, 2010

Jellies living in the same area are getting together. Some of them, they’re travelling a bit of distance to meet up with other jellies.

Could you do it? Would you want to or feel comfortable?

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58 Answers

syz's avatar

Um, depends on the jellies.

doublebogie's avatar

I would do it. Probably wouldn’t host it at my house, at first anyway, then who knows!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’d love it and I’d host.

cookieman's avatar

Whenever these types of questions pop up I always say the same thing…I’d lurve to, but it seems like very few jellies are near Boston or New England.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I would do it. I’d even be willing to travel a little bit. I don’t think many jellies live near me.

wundayatta's avatar

I would like to go, but I probably wouldn’t. What if there was someone I knew in real life?

cookieman's avatar

@wundayatta: What are the odds?

rangerr's avatar

I’m all for it!
I met mcbealer at a festival.
I met up with tragiclikebowie when she passed through my town.
I’m going to uberbatman and trance24’s house tonight. Then tomorrow we are going to pick up petethepothead ♥!
Shrubbery and (I can’t spell his username off the top of my head) are coming to stay with me in October. I’ll meet Auggie then, too.

I’m on a mission. I love people.
Hear that, East Coasters? Let’s party.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Isn’t there some mapping application where you can put a dot on the map with a code number to signify your location? That would be very helpful..
Putting a dot on the map does not mean you have to show up or even say who you are. it just lets you know the possibility is there.

Jude's avatar

“Isn’t there some mapping application where you can put a dot on the map with a code number to signify your location? That would be very helpful.. ”

Could somebody do that??

faye's avatar

I’d love it! But I think we are far between up here.

mrentropy's avatar

I think it’s an excellent idea.

CMaz's avatar

My home is always open to all you Jellies.

And, ya better not be afraid of a little yard work.

BoBo1946's avatar

Ahhh…yes, just come on in.

timtrueman's avatar

This one time, I met Ben and Andrew (and Richard)…

Scooby's avatar

Hands up!! who lives in England?? :-/

TexasDude's avatar

Depends on who it was.

Jude's avatar

For me, two for sure.

cookieman's avatar

@worriedguy: I’d love to see a mapping feature built into Fluther. It’d be voluntary (of course) as to whether you mark where you are or not.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@worriedguy and @cprevite Yes, it would be nice, and it is possible. has something like that, but you have to be a paid member and your location showing up isn’t optional. Of course, Fluther could customize something based upon feedback.

harple's avatar

tentatively puts hands up…

MissAusten's avatar

I wouldn’t mind meeting up with people. I know there are some jellies within a day’s drive (at least one right here in CT like me!). Scheduling is always a problem for me, with the kiddos and my husband’s abnormal work hours. I’d be up for it though, but not at my house. I don’t want to clean. :P

JilltheTooth's avatar

@MissAusten : I don’t want to clean, either, and I have a lunatic dog. Fortuneately CT has many public venues…

loser's avatar

I’d definitely want to but I might chicken out at the last minute.
(I’m shy!)

bob_'s avatar

@timtrueman At band camp?

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I’d be willing to do it, and there are a few that are relatively close by. The challenge is that it isn’t always what you expect.

Several years ago, I was contacted by someone local who went to the same college and was organizing an informal local gathering of alumni. All were at least ten years older than me, all were married (I am not), and after an initial chat of our experiences at the same school, the future meetings held little meaning for me.

I’m not very warm and fuzzy, but I do enjoy a good discussion. If it were formatted similar to a book club, where you prepared for a topic of discussion, then yes…I’d enjoy it.

YARNLADY's avatar

I tried to set up a meet up in San Francisco earlier this year, but unfortunately, a family emergency caused me to cancel it. I would certainly try to attend.

mrentropy's avatar

I think every area should have a Fluther-Together. A bunch of people meet up in a public location and chat, gossip about the newbies, intriguing questions and triumphant answers. Show up wearing genuine Fluther t-shirts and maybe you can entice the High Lord Jellyfishes to attend since they’d be able to afford it with all the t-shirt sales.

Post pictures and make non-attendees jealous which will increase the size of the gathering the next time. Win-win.

Your_Majesty's avatar

I just don’t want to do it even if I live near other jellies. I love to keep my real life profile for my own. I don’t mind if I meet people in the same status like mine but I really feel uncomfortable if I meet someone who,say,richer than me.

bob_'s avatar

@Doctor_D Would you prefer to meet cash-strapped jellies?

gailcalled's avatar

I’d be reluctant and cautious, having done this several times with former college classmates and old HS buddies, whom I already knew.

Milo here; If you send a limo and driver, I am on board.

Dr_C's avatar

I’d be all for it! If my schedule allows…

Your_Majesty's avatar

@bob_ Not exactly like that. I just don’t like the feeling of ‘intimidation’ from other people from higher status.

downtide's avatar

I’d be up for it, but being as I don’t drive it would have to be very local.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@downtide I’d love to meet up with you. I’ll let you know when I finally make it to Lancashire.

DeanV's avatar

I wouldn’t mind having a coffee or something with someone up in way Northern California if they were up there, but I don’t think I’d go too far to do so. Or perhaps meeting someone if I was traveling.

It’d all have to be within convenience.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

It would depend on who it is, but I don’t think anyone on here lives near me.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I’d love to. I think it’d be great to have a cup of coffee and chat, then maybe go on a bit of a hike, and finish off with some beers. Good times. But, I only know of two other jellies in my general area.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Where’s our Jelly Google map? Has that disappeared?

Coloma's avatar

I love to plan parties!

I’d hostess a picnic in the beautiful river park near my home anytime.

janbb's avatar

@johnpowell is working on a Fluther map; there is another question about it. I have met two jellies now and have enjoyed the meetings very much. I think I would want to know the person online somewhat well before meeting in person.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@johnpowell You are my hero. I sent my (nearby) coordinates.

Allie's avatar

Definitely. I would love to meet the jellies I’ve developed relationships with. One of my dearest jelly friends might be coming to the left coast soon and I plan on meeting up with her and possible another jelly who lives very close to me. I can’t wait!
I also cannot wait until shrubbery and bluemukaki (sp?) take their tour of the states! They’re making a stop in SF and I’m going to see them while they’re here from Tasmania. Love Ali to death.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’m for it. When a member of (RIP) then I took a road trip with a gal and we met several other members. Some of us have since become friends rather than acquaintances. If I were securely mobile then I’d be all up and down the west coast, road tripping and sharing.

IBERnineD's avatar

I would love to meet my fluther friends! I’m in Northern Virginia so, anyone close to there! And well I’m going to LA in September anyone there?

Jeruba's avatar

I can imagine doing it two or three at a time, if I felt that they were people I’d achieved some rapport with. The idea of a large gathering is daunting. I’d probably feel most at ease with people such as those here who don’t get their energy from socializing.

augustlan's avatar

I’ve met a few already, and will be meeting Shrubbery and BlueM??? (they’ll be spending a night at my house!) and Rangerr and possibly a few other east-coasters in October. I can’t wait!

jrpowell's avatar

I plan on letting Shrub and Blue sleep in a tent on my front yard for a few days.. It should be a good time.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Vunessuh came to visit a few weeks ago and we had a riot! :)

CMaz's avatar

I want to hang with @lucillelucillelucille and Vunessuh.

chyna's avatar

@ChazMaz I told you, I won’t mow the grass!
I’d love to meet some of the jellies I’ve talked to here. There are so many interesting people, I couldn’t choose who I would meet first.

CMaz's avatar

All joking aside. Y’all are welcome to visit any time. :-)

Some can stay. ;-)

Mom2BDec2010's avatar

Well to me it depends. I mean I dont wanna meet someone who I have nothing in common with. Although, I have no problem in meeting new people. I love making new friends.

tragiclikebowie's avatar

I met @rangerr and it was amazing. Except when she attacked me with her camera. But I still love her.

I’d do it; probably am going to try to get in on some of the shrubbery and bluemukkaki action.

mattbrowne's avatar

Yes, totally comfortable. Send me an email when you’re planning to visit Germany.

KRD's avatar

I’d love to.

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