Social Question

desiree333's avatar

In another life who would you be?

Asked by desiree333 (3241points) August 9th, 2010

Where would you live, what occupation would you have, etc. Also how old would you be? (think of a age you would want to be again, or how old you feel at heart) This is a pretty abstract question.

In another life I would live in a small town in England (probably Haworth) I would be 29 or 30, and have a PHD in clinical psychology. I would treat people using cognitive behavioural therapy mostly, and my patients would be people with OCD, hoarders, people with depression, alcoholics etc. I would have a husband, maybe 1 child, and a dog. I would also be very talented at playing the piano, and have an exceptional voice.

I guess I mean for this thread to ask what your dream life would be like.

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8 Answers

zenele's avatar

The same, but much much richer. I only require a bed, not a house, so it could be on my yacht or plane – and I would travel the world and have a great time.

momnipotence's avatar

A better person. I feel I have made many mistakes and would like to “fix” my mistakes. But, at the same time I think I can do that in this life….and take steps to do so daily.

Haleth's avatar

My dream life is pretty possible because I’m still young. I’d live in a medium-sized city in the south and on the ocean, like Charleston SC or Jacksonville FL, and spend most of my free time doing outdoorsy stuff on the beach or biking. I’d own or manage a small cafe with a great wine program, an espresso bar, and an emphasis on fresh local food. My place would be a small cottage with a garden full of bright flowers like crape myrtles, black eyed susans, hydrangeas, and moonflowers, and I’d live with my aunt and my grannie like I do now. (I think it’s neat to have a family made up of three generations of women- sort of like the triple goddess.) I’d date someone who was literary, artistic, and had a dry sense of humor, and we’d drink lots of wine together and talk about books and pop culture.

The only difference between this and my current life is that right now, I live in Washington DC which is kind of a drag and definitely not on the beach. DC is pretty uptight, so I want a more friendly, relaxed lifestyle. I also want to be financially more responsible and in charge- own my own house and restaurant, instead of renting a place and managing a restaurant. If I work hard, I think it’s within reach.

desiree333's avatar

@zenele What parts would be the same? And yeah I forgot to mention that I would be rich, happy, and healthy.

@Haleth Great answer, and I really like and admire the fact that your family is made up of three generations of women. It reminds me of a movie about family or something, kind of like “The Secret Life of Bees” although that is about sisters.

lapilofu's avatar

I would be 16—because that was a good age for me—growing up in the 70s—because I’ve always felt I would have fit in better in that decade. I’d still like to grow up in Berkeley, though.

ucme's avatar

Charley Varrick.

CMaz's avatar

Happy Gilmore

bellasajor's avatar

I would be someone famous, probably looking like a mixture of Taylor Momsen and Miley Cyrus. I would be a singer, definetly, maybe in a band. I probably sound to dreamy, but I’d really like that, because then I would be rich, and have a lot of people looking up to me. I would do my best to be a great idol and do alot of charity work and free concerts. I would be a frequent reader, and have alot of opinions, maybe start a blog writing about that kind of stuff. This is my dream life, and it could be possible. Maybe. Perhaps in another life…

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