General Question

Crossroadsgrl's avatar

Can you be attractive and NOT be photogenic?

Asked by Crossroadsgrl (925points) December 6th, 2011

I cannot take a good picture to save my life…but I get looks from guys and girls alike when out and about. What does this MEAN ?!

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31 Answers

lillycoyote's avatar

Yes, I think so. Some people don’t photograph well. I don’t think it really means anything though. I have no idea why some people are more photogenic than others. It’s just the way things are.

The definition of photogenic is:

1. (esp of a person) having features, colouring, and a general facial appearance that look attractive in photographs

I don’t know if anyone has figured out the science of it; what, specifically, the “features, colouring, and a general facial appearance that look attractive in photographs” consist of.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Yes, definitely.
I also think that people who are not especially attractive can be very photogenic.

I, personally, have no happy medium. I take very nice photos, or “truly scary, should never be seen by ANYONE” pictures.

the_overthinker's avatar


Maybe it is only your opinion, that the photo of yourself does not look good.

augustlan's avatar

Absolutely. I know people who photograph very well and are not so attractive in real life, too. I used to be very photogenic, and now I always look horrible in pics. I have no idea why this is.

judochop's avatar

I take a ton of photos and yes, it plays both ways.

lillycoyote's avatar

I do not actually have the enormous chipmunk cheeks I appear to have in photographs! I don’t! Really! I don’t look like that in real life!

At least that’s the way it looks to me. I may not actually appear to have enormous chipmunk cheeks in photographs. I may just be sensitive and it may only be a matter of my own perceptions, not the reality of how I actually photograph.

Crossroadsgrl's avatar

yes it sucks that the main way some people are going to SEE you and possibly get interested enough to even inititate nowadays, is through some PHOTO on FB or whatever…when the reality’s NOT !!

mazingerz88's avatar

Absolutely! Plus, I have no doubt there are more people out there that are attractive without being photogenic. I on the other hand, am fortunate enough to be both. On Mars. : )

Crossroadsgrl's avatar

HOW do I get “seen” if I’m cute but not “photogenic” ?!! as far as dating”!!

mazingerz88's avatar

@Crossroadsgrl If what you mean is how to post a cute photo of your in spite of your being unphotogenic, get a sketch artist whose unique style of doing portraiture would bring out that cuteness. Ask or hire him to draw you and post that artwork instead of an unflattering photo.

If however, what you mean is how can you be seen as cute in person when in fact you are not photogenic, well, because you are…cute. Link? : )

lillycoyote's avatar

@Crossroadsgrl How do you get “seen” if you are cute and are not photogenic? How are you dating, by putting a photograph of yourself on a dating site on the internet? If you are dating and are not photogenic, you get “seen” by being “seen” in real life. How does being photogenic have an an impact on how you are perceived when it comes to dating unless the people you are trying to date only see photographs of you?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Highlight your best features. If you have a great body, take several photos that flatter your figure. If you have great eyes or a great smile, take a headshot, close to your face. Get someone to take tons of photos, you’re bound to find one you like.

Countrybumkin's avatar

Yes. I think it depends on lighting. Sometimes i walk past my dresser mirror and “Damn baby,you look hot!” lol Then someone will tag me on a social network sight and i will think “WHAT THE FUCK! THAT NEEDS TO BE TAKEN DOWN”. I think candid photos turn out the best.

JLeslie's avatar

Yes. But, a good photographer should be able to get you some great photos if you need one for a specific reason. Lighting does matter a lot.

Do other people when they look at your photos tell you the photo looks good, or just like you? Sometimes we are not used to looking at ourselves. Part of it is you see the flip of yourself in a mirror, left is right, and that is what we become accustomed to. The more uneven your face is, the more odd it can be to look at ourselves in a photo.

I recently was getting annoyed with having a bunch of photos come out badly. I went back, way back to my wedding photos which I had been happy with and tried to figure out what I was doing differently, and I realized it was my smile. The last time I had a lot of photos taken at a party I smiled like the wedding photos, and I was very happy with how the photos came out.

Jude's avatar

My girlfriend often claims in most of her pictures (that never make it to Facebook), she looks as though she has “7 chins and Down Syndrome”. She’s a beautiful girl in person. She just has strong features. A Hungarian nose, which I love.

For me, I hate having my picture taken. I’ve been told that I’m stunning in real life. Sometimes, my pictures, not so much.

marinelife's avatar

Go to a professional photographer for attractive photos if you are not photogenic.

Mariah's avatar

Absolutely. Some attractive people are bad at posing without looking strained and fake, some people’s attractiveness mostly lies in the way move, etc.

blueiiznh's avatar

A camera can capture the grandjuer of the Grand Canyon. What makes you think it can show the beauty in a person.

Allie's avatar

I think so. I know a girl who most people would consider attractive, but she has a horrible camera smile. I say “camera smile” because she smile normal in regular conversation, but for photos she smiles differently… and it’s not pretty.

wundayatta's avatar

I have a friend in the design business who conducts photo shoots all the time. She tells me that there are good looking girls who simply cannot be models because they are not photogenic. The camera can see in funny ways, and some girls can project into it, and others can’t. I’m not sure, but I suspect it is not something that can be learned.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Yes, I’m fucking beautiful but I run from the camera like an Amish man afraid to lose his soul

extremely modest too :P

wundayatta's avatar

@uberbatman “extremely modest too :P” As well you should be. As well you should be.

keobooks's avatar

I am one of those people who always closes my eyes or makes other odd faces whenever the shot is taken. When I was in my 20’s, I was considered really striking, but almost all the pics I have of me, I look like I’m drunk , about to sneeze, or recovering from a terrible stroke.

Helpr's avatar

Yes, I am a good example. :)

Paradox25's avatar

I hate pictures of myself because they rarely turn out well. I look much better in person. I’m not a big picture person.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Have you ever thought it was those taking the picture, that could not take good ones? To get a good shot, it is more than point-and-shoot. Holding the camera still, the right focus, if it were not auto focus, the right lighting, and the exposure of the camera, if you could control that aspect. All those have to come together to make a goes shot, of anything actually.

Then if all of that was on hit, as it has been said, there are people who look really well in photos but less than in real life. If, indeed, you are one who doesn’t photograph well, it is probably just that, but in life attractiveness is far more important.

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