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Nomore_lockout's avatar

Do you feel that things are slowly, surely, improving?

Asked by Nomore_lockout (7592points) November 13th, 2020

The Dems won the election, a lot of formerly red areas turned blue. Will things slowly improve under Biden? Or am I being to optimistic?

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28 Answers

Nomore_lockout's avatar

In my area a formerly solid Republican county has turned blue. They were within 800 votes of going blue during the mid terms, they are solid blue now. That is good news to me, and cause for (cautious) optimism.

gondwanalon's avatar

I’m feeling pretty good about the future.

As a conservative I’m pretty happy. First of all, with “the big guy” as President, the relentless whining from the left about Trump will end. Also I expect the unrest, riots, looting, burning, death and destruction will significantly be decreased.

I’m also happily anticipating a gridlocked and do nothing Congress (great for the stock market). True there’s a chance the Senate elections in Georgia could favor of the Democrats which could result in half Democrat and half Republican Senators. In this case Joe Manchin (D, WV) is on record to NOT vote for the green new deal, packing the Supreme Court or “other nutty ideas”.

Also Republicans picked up 5 seats in the House.

Also cool that Trump got 6.5 million more votes this year than in 2016. Yes! Conservative ideas are still alive!

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’m not convinced it will improve yet. So many businesses are struggling to stay alive right now, it’s scary.

Demosthenes's avatar

Not really. I don’t care much about red and blue politics so I have no political “team” I’m rooting for or congratulating. What I see is a pandemic that shows no sign of abating (getting worse where I live) and a nation of people at each other’s throats. I see misinformation experiencing its greatest spread and influence, conspiracies and baseless theories being accepted by default, and an increasingly unstable democracy. I see worse and worse wildfires in the West every year: 2017 was the worst fire season in history until it was beaten by 2018, which was beaten (by far) by 2020. What will next year bring then? It’s difficult for me to be optimistic about anything.

A first step would be a sign that the pandemic is truly going away. That would really help fuel any optimism on my part.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I think things will definitely improve for you if you get majority in the senate or at least 50/50 because if you don’t Moscow Mitch,will block anything Biden tries just to be spiteful.

Zaku's avatar

Improving, yes. Not having a tool appointing blatant corporate saboteurs to every government regulatory office he can, blathering random lies, appointing right-wing-wacko judges, inciting xenophobia and endless other horrible perpetrations can hardly be anything but an improvement, except inasmuch as US politics are not the only cause of how “things” go. Our industrial and agricultural practices continue to wreak havoc upon our environment and drive species to extinction. Wealth inequality and corporate power grabs will continue, if perhaps not quite so bad.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Although I hope that you are correct, I feel that you’re being overly optimistic. I have faith in donnie’s hatred & I’m sitting on pins & needles just waiting for the other shoe to drop!!!

I come from a family that knows how to hold grudges & donnie makes ALL of them look like rank amateurs!!! At the same time…after the last 4 years, I’m willing to accept any port in the storm. One day of calm is better than NONE!!!

gorillapaws's avatar

No. I think we’re heading into a very long, dark and cold winter that could last 4–12 years. Joe “nothing will fundamentally change” Biden will get nothing accomplished except for symbolic executive orders and grooming young, corrupt Democrats for leadership positions like Kamala, Buttigieg, Booker, etc.

JLeslie's avatar


Too much damage is done.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Can the damage be undone @JLeslie ?

JLeslie's avatar

^^We would have to have a great economy, plenty of jobs, and right wing media to stop with the scare tactics so the left wing will stop. I do think it is up to the right wing doing it first, and I don’t think they will.

There is a glimmer of light with Fox, but I saw Tucker Carlson a night or two ago and was disgusted. I don’t remember what he was saying. Plus, this glimmer of light I speak of has caused many of my republican friends to denounce Fox. They are saying it has been bought by liberals (as far as I know Murdoch still owns it) and they are moving to other news stations.

Too many Trump supporters are TERRIFIED.

I have one friend saying “see, the election is over and now they stopped talking about covid.” Of course that is completely false, but she believes it. Another Trump friend saying they are closing Chicago and not letting people be together for Thanksgiving, taking away liberties, using covid as an excuse. I told her the whole country is being advised not to travel for Thanksgiving and no large groups, and even states and counties run by Republicans are restricting some things right now because of covid. No response about that, just more ranting about the Democrats.

There is no talking to these people and they believe being angry is a good thing.

They believe fighting for America is important just like Democrats believe it. When I saw a Republican women in an interview crying that children are being stolen, the tears and pain in her face looked similar to me when I watched a woman interviewed a couples of days ago saying she feels like she can breathe again now that Biden won. They both sound the same to me, afraid and thinking their person is the savior for America.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: I’m hearing the exact same thing from FB friends – “they want to take away our liberties and our rights and tell us we can’t have Thanksgiving dinner, and now that the election is over, nobody is talking about Covid, and there are no more daily updates.”

Meanwhile, there are daily updates, by region, county, state, etc., everyone is talking about Covid, and nobody is going into houses to ticket or arrest people for having more than 10 people at a gathering. But they way my Republican friends are acting, the world is coming to an end.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 I said the same thing to her, no one is actually forcing anyone to stay home and not go to a dinner. It’s an advisory.

I think they believe when Biden is president there will be enforcement. That we will become a military state.

jca2's avatar

It’s so crazy @JLeslie. I said the same to a friend today. I said nobody is going to your house to ticket you for having a bunch of guests. In the summer, people in my neighborhood were having parties with lots of guests and cases of beer and nobody cared. But these people now make it like the military is marching down the street, robbing people of their holiday. It’s so stupid.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

What flavor Kool aide do these morons drink? Glad now I don’t do Face Book, I’d end up tossing my lap top out a window.

JLeslie's avatar

This is what one friend wrote on Facebook recently. I won’t bother pasting you the long conversation. Here’s what she said about Democrats, I edited out some of it:

Evil is being revealed for the evil that it is.., and there are those who make a LIVING intentionally doing evil and causing harm. I’m calling it out…if you still can’t SEE the evil done by the party of slavery, then you’ll just be in denial forever. That’s on you.

…I’m calling out the hypocrites. They’ve made themselves abundantly CLEAR this year.
Rules for thee and not for me, like Pelosi.

Stop with the covid rhetoric. It’s a bioweapon CREATED in a lab BY the evil ones the media are covering up for.

Action should be taken soon. Law suits pending. Cases being built against these evil doers. Either man kind will get them or God will. Nuremberg trials, dear.
This was all planned in advance.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Well you humor her and I’ll go call the boys in the white jackets.

kritiper's avatar

Man oh man!
In some places the shit is DEEP!

JLeslie's avatar

I also have a friend who posted a YouTube that Biden plagiarized something a long time ago. LMAO. I swear both parties are so predictable. I guess that is the tit for tat regarding Melania plagiarizing Michelle Obama’s speech.

I swear to you both sides say the exact same things half the time.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: They probably think that when the Third Anti Christ comes it will be a Democrat.

JLeslie's avatar

Has there been two? I didn’t even know that.

It wouldn’t surprise me if they think that.

jca2's avatar

Napoleon and Hitler, I think @JLeslie.

JLeslie's avatar

Oh. I thought you meant actually in the Bible or something in religious text somewhere.

Dutchess_III's avatar

At the moment I’m just reveling in the fact that Trump is almost outta there! The future will bring what it brings.

There will be only 1 antiChrist before the second coming @JLeslie. Certainly not 2 or 3 or 5.

Mimishu1995's avatar

We have got Covid under control, but since October we have been attacked fiercely by storms. I’m staying at home right now because schools are closed for another storm coming tonight, thr biggest so far which is also ironically called the 13th storm. Covid forced us to stay at home for months. The storms only last for days but cause vicious damage. So are things getting better? I don’t know.

Dutchess_III's avatar

So @Mimi…..did your government step in and let the hammer down?

JLeslie's avatar

@Mimishu1995 We have had a record number of storms in the states. We just had a Tropical Storm a few days ago make landfall. It’s very late in the hurricane season for us to get any sort of hurricane/cyclone/typhoon and there has been so many all season.

I like to think the storms wash away the covid. Did people have to evacuate? That’s more complicated now with covid.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Dutchess_III @JLeslie The government has been doing their work since October. My TV is chocked full of news and advice on safety precautions. My inbox is full of advice and warning from the Department of Health. People in the most affected areas are evacuated… It has been a busy period for the government. Still, the repeated attack of the storms leave massive damage to property and people, so the government also has to send out aids to people being affected by the storms. At one point they showed their bank account on TV to call for donation from people.

But also during the height of the storms my country witnessed a drama/possible charity fraud, all started by a singer. So this singer had an idea to use her influence to call for donation and she would use the money to help people in affected areas. For some reason she amassed a huge amount of money, and as promised she went to the places and gave out money to people. She frequently livestreamed herself doing charity on her FB page. Then people started noticing several fishy things:
– There was no sign of government’s workers in any of her livestreams. This was consistent with the fact that she explicitly said from the beginning that she would handle everything herself. People suspected that it was intentional, so that people would be led into thinking that the government didn’t care.
– She posted ads for various products during her time of charity. People suspected that she was using the charity for fame and business deals.
– She couldn’t show how much money had been used for which purpose.
– She stated that the people eligible for receiving money were the ones whose houses were submerged in at least 1 meter of water. So there was this village president whose house met her criteria and he went to get the money. She outright refused to help him because, in her words, he was a village president, therefore he was connected to the government, and he should leave the money for the less privileged.
– She deleted comments and banned people who voiced anything she didn’t agree with, especially after the incident with the village president.

The singer got herself into hot water because she was discreetly insulting the government and wasn’t straightforward about where the money went to. I’m on the government’s side this time, seeing what they have done to my country during Covid and the storms. And I hope the woman goes to court for charity fraud soon. Everything about her has been so fishy. And I can’t stand her attitude in her livestreams either. The last time I heard about her, some companies have stopped doing business with her because they don’t want anything to do with her drama.

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