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marauder76's avatar

Is there a name for Christ's wounds?

Asked by marauder76 (390points) March 26th, 2009

I can’t remember what the word is that refers to his wounds sustained on the cross.

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12 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Stigmata are the wounds of Christ reproduced on a human. I believe it is just referred to as the “wounds of Christ.”

whackyrusty's avatar

@Marina Thanks for the clarification :)

Mr_M's avatar

@whackyrusty , stigmata is not the name for the actual wounds. It’s the name for wounds of similar appearance that some people get, in similar locations on the body as Christ’s wounds, but no one knows the cause for sure. People believe that some individuals show “wounds” on the palms of their hands and their feet (like the wounds of Christ when he was nailed to the cross) miraculously, i.e., they just appear, often on Good Friday.

Knotmyday's avatar


the Bard will out…

ubersiren's avatar

Painful. Ba dum ching!

AstroChuck's avatar

Christ’s owwees.

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

Get the movie, with Patricia Arquette and Gabriel Byrne. Not a bad one at all.

Mr_M's avatar

(It’s a horror movie. Devilish stuff.)

TheKNYHT's avatar

I don’t know that the actual wounds of Christ’s afflicted body have a name, but the ramifications of those wounds indeed has a name: propitiation.

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