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pikipupiba's avatar

How often do you 'tap the collective'?

Asked by pikipupiba (1629points) August 13th, 2009

I would say I ‘tap that’ about once a day (average).

What about all the other flutherites out there?

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55 Answers

eponymoushipster's avatar

i have a window open to Fluther all day. i’m tapping it non-stop.

jrpowell's avatar

By “tap” do you mean ask a question?

If you do then I don’t very often.

* last visit: August 13th, 2009
* member since: July 8th, 2007
* questions asked: 85
* responses written: 6174

I’m lazy and not going to do the math.

edit :: I did the math. I ask a question approximately every ten days.

iwamoto's avatar

ast visit: August 13th, 2009
member since: April 14th, 2008
questions asked: 63
responses written: 2183

hmm, JP has a higher answer ratio so it seems…

ShanEnri's avatar

I visit twice a day. I ask when I feel like it, so it’s kind of random.

jeanna's avatar

Am I the only one with a dirty mind?

In looking at my stats, I definitely don’t tap it often.

InspecterJones's avatar

Daily, Nightly and Ever So Rightly!

Tink's avatar

I’m on Fluther all day everyday.
Questions asked: 84
Responses written: 2792
Since: May 19th, 2009

Grisaille's avatar

@jeanna No. You aren’t.

pikipupiba's avatar

Wow, we gotta couple playas here!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I’m here twice a day, only interrupted by things that have to be done, and going to work. I’d be here all day long if I could. Yes, I have a serious Fluther addiction. Unless the questions are particularly lame, then I go find something else to do. I have the great big Wide World Web to explore.

Last visit: August 13th, 2009
Member since: September 15, 2008
Questions asked: 58
Responses written: 3585

@jeanna you might have a dirty mind, but I have the dirtiest mind. Some people are perverts, I am a Provert I have a Masters degree in dirty thoughts.

Judi's avatar

I’m sick I tell ya! Now that I have an iPhone I get in trouble all the time. My husband will yell, “Are you fluthering again?” when were in the car, in bed, on the beach,,,, I don’t think there’s a cure. I’m a goner.

Sarcasm's avatar

Tapped your mom’s collective last night
In a month I’ve tapped the collective 4 times.

InspecterJones's avatar

@Judi On the beach? That’s naughty! Others could see you!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@eponymoushipster careful buddy, you’ll start to chafe!

Grisaille's avatar

* last visit: August 13th, 2009
* member since: May 21st, 2009
* questions asked: 27
* responses written: 1321

85 days / 27 questions = 3.14 (OMG PI)

Once every three days, apparently.

bow chicka bow bow

pikipupiba's avatar

Hehehehehe, I’m lovin this thread.

jeanna's avatar

Now if we were talking about the real “tapping,” then my answer would be verrry different.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I visit most days and answer questions but I only ask questions when decent ones come to mind. There are plenty I would like to ask but don’t for fear that they will not be up to Fluther guidelines and so I probably ask a question once every couple of weeks.

pikipupiba's avatar

@jeanna So like not at all?

Grisaille's avatar

I can actually care less about this thread right now. totally bemused that something in my life equates to pi

I’m going to go climb a mountain or something similarly awesome in an attempt to display my awesomeness

pikipupiba's avatar

@Grisaille I’m not gonna lie, that is one of the coolest things that I have ever heard. And the fact that it has to do with fluther makes it even better. Can I have a signed t-shirt?

eponymoushipster's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra you have no idea…

@jeanna <raised eyebrow>

Bluefreedom's avatar

On a regular basis. Daily. Quite often. Between mealtimes. Twice on Sunday.

InspecterJones's avatar

@Bluefreedom never right before sleep? You know, to relax?

god I love this question

Bluefreedom's avatar

@InspecterJones. Right before sleep AND immediately after waking, too.

wundayatta's avatar

Answers per question:
Person…........Questions….....Answers….....Answers per Question
Tink1113…........84…....................2792 ...............33.23809524
evelyns_p_z…...58 ......................3585 ................61.81034483
Grisaille .............27 ......................1321 ................48.92592593

Hmmm. Make of that what you will. I wonder if Bendrew could provide us with more cases more easily than I can.

casheroo's avatar

Way too much

Darwin's avatar

I don’t ask very many questions but I am always willing to express my opinion on a daily basis.

eponymoushipster's avatar

* questions asked: 31
* responses written: 5452

that makes my ratio: 175.87096774193548

jeanna's avatar

@eponymoushipster You’re a tap god, too!

ubersiren's avatar

Damn, @eponymoushipster, youz a pimp!

I get on in the morning, during the kid’s nap time, then on and off throughout most evenings.

hearkat's avatar

1–2 x/day

cyn's avatar

according to my division…82/11..once every week.
are you serious?

hearkat's avatar

1910 Answers / 8 Questions = 238.75 Answers per Question

766 Days / 8 Questions = one Question every 95.75 days

766 Days (18384 hours) / 1910 Answers = one Answer every 9.625 hours

augustlan's avatar

* last visit: August 13th, 2009
* member since: July 21st, 2008
* questions asked: 51
* responses written: 10770

I am here off and on throughout the day and night. I shudder to think of the total number of hours! Since I became Community Manager, at least now I can justify it. :P

Dr_C's avatar

If i’m on my computer i’m on fluther.. i don’t ask questions often… but i still come to the site on a daily basis to see if i can help and check out different perspectives and alternatives to older questions. Plus it’s fun.

* last visit: August 14th, 2009
* member since: February 24th, 2009
* questions asked: 17
* responses written: 1039

pikipupiba's avatar

Wow, I’m really glad to see that everyone who is on fluther really is part of a family it seems. The longer I’m here the more I realize that this isn’t ike any other forum on the internet. I’m really glad that I happened by it one day.

It feels realy good to be part of the collective!

Grisaille's avatar


I do not want to be part of that family.

Tink's avatar

Who wants to be part of Thomas’s family?? Grisaille??

Grisaille's avatar


I have a weakness to the scrunchy frowny face. Fine, I’ll join your cult.

@Tink1113 Of course.

Tink's avatar

@Grisaille Heck yeah! :D

cyn's avatar

@Tink1113 what’s Thomas Family?

cyn's avatar

@Tink1113 Can I be part of the family? :)

Tink's avatar

@cyndihugs Of course you can!! :)

cyn's avatar

@Tink1113 I should copy and paste that picture and put it up on and stuff and get all the names from the thomas family? @Tink1113 you can be the mom since you own. :)
Whose in the thomas family? This is why I lurve fluther so much! :)

Tink's avatar

@cyndihugs Yeah you should :) Haha yeah I own Thomas, but it was Grisaille’s idea. I just created him.
Well right now it’s me, you, @Grisaille, and I guess @teh_kvlt_liberal too.

cyn's avatar

alright. :)

cyn's avatar

@Tink1113 and @Grisaille you people just made my day. :))

cyn's avatar

here’s mine

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