Social Question

RandomMrdan's avatar

What kind of clubs/organizations are you apart of?

Asked by RandomMrdan (7436points) August 26th, 2009

I’m looking into joining a club or an organization of some sort to help network, make new friends, and meet new people.

I’m starting a new job soon selling insurance for Nationwide, and I’ve taken some advice from a few friends to seek out organizations, or clubs to meet new friends and potential clients.

I really don’t know of any organizations out there, aside from like…NRA, and FFA…

I know it comes down to what I’m interested in personally…and to list a few things…Computers, Technology, Apple Product, Paintball, Sport Cars (though I don’t have one), Rock Climbing…but I can’t think of any organizations to join that deal with these.

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20 Answers

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Turkey with cheese, lettuce and tomatoes
Satanists for the better good for Humanity
The Anti-Emo militia
the sacred Kung fu club that no one is supposed to know except now

bumwithablackberry's avatar

Hollywood Stuntman Union

RandomMrdan's avatar

@teh_kvlt_liberal that is a good club sandwich…but I do prefer the turkey

robmandu's avatar

Try entering your location and interests at Meetup.

< < met his wife at a local mountain bike club meeting. And they had their first date at her local dance club’s competition.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

over the summer I was a part of the Buffalo Rugby Club

RandomMrdan's avatar

@robmandu Awesome find, I’ll play around with this site to see what I can find!

aprilsimnel's avatar

If there’s a One Brick or (Name of City) Cares in your town, you could join those. And if not, you can start the group!

PupnTaco's avatar

I am apart of all clubs, as I have joined none.

gailcalled's avatar

Local Indie Flim Club, volunteer at the local Arts Academy, the local food-coop, and a volunteer for a shut-in.

ekans's avatar

I think that I am president of my college’s juggling club.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

You think?

drdoombot's avatar

I’m waiting for an opportunity to take an IQ test so I can join MENSA.

Yes, I need external validation for my intelligence.

YARNLADY's avatar

@drdoombot may I help you with that?

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I am the founder and sole prophet for the Orgasmic Church of Evelyn. That’s about it as far as groups or organizations go. I belong to a local Rock and Mineral Club, but I never go to the meetings and events, because of my weird work hours.

I will say though, that many people are collectors. Some people collect unusual stones, unusual stamps, or unusual coins. I collect unusual friends. My collection is far from complete and I am always looking for someone new to add to the collection.

Supacase's avatar

The Elks (they have a pool)
probably not what you are interested in

Check out the Things Around Town section of your newspaper. There are usually social groups advertising upcoming events. Check out the Parks & Rec for paintball and rock climbing. Is there a paintball or rock climbing place near you? If so, check with them to see if they have a social group.

drdoombot's avatar

@YARNLADY Sure, what can you do for me?

YARNLADY's avatar

I can give you a contact number in your area where you can take a qualifying test in person, or you can see if you have already taken one in school or the military which can get you in without having to take another test.

JLeslie's avatar

Porsche club. This is because of my husband, generally I am not a “joiner.” But, I have to say the Porsche club where I live is wonderful. I was afraid it would be snobby, but not at all. People from all walks of life, it has been a great experience.

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