Social Question

Factotum's avatar

Are females bullied at school by other females? If so, how is it done?

Asked by Factotum (1454points) December 15th, 2009

It seems to me that girls don’t threaten or deliver physical harm to the same degree that boys do. So how does bullying work among girls, assuming that it does?

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19 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

Of course it happens. There are women that literally beat up other women. It could be because she think another woman is a slut, or because she kissed her boyfriend etc. All teens care about is their reputation and such, so they defend it by being ignorant douche bags. Women also spread vicious lies and talk crap about other women they don’t like, this is mostly in high schools though of course.

gemiwing's avatar

Female bullying tends to be verbal and social, over the physical blows young boys deliver. There are physical aspects such as using nails as little knives and pulling hair. Most female-based bullying, in my experience, happened in the restroom or other ‘private’ areas. Female bullying tends to use shaming as well.

Macaulay's avatar

A really butch girl in Mrs. Ware’s forth grade class once tied my shoes to my desk, squeezed a sponge of blue tempura paint in my hair, and told my “boyfriend” that I had a penis. That exceeds the proviso of bullying, no?

My grandfather taught me that there’s no bully who isn’t a coward. And ever since I realized his words to be true, I haven’t been bullied.

global_nomad's avatar

Female bullying is no joke, just because girls don’t punch each other in the face doesn’t mean there isn’t bullying. A lot of it is verbal and psychological. You know something along the lines of, “That skirt looks great on you Heather. It hides your enormous hips.” There’s also a lot of backstabbing and rumour starting which can really break people down. One powerful girl can make sure that you are hated by everyone. Like the devil. Girls slap too.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I was bullied at school by the “popular girls” it’s almost a cliche but it’s true who took a dislike to me because of someone I was friends with. It was mostly verbal/psycological abuse, name calling, threatening, whispering etc etc. It only got physical once when they cornered me in a cloakroom in the library and threatened to cut my (very long) hair. I hav never ran so fast in my life!!

Facade's avatar

Girls bullying other girls is worse than boys doing it. You rarely hear of boys killing themselves because of other boys bullying them, but it’s more common with girls.

jfos's avatar

I think there were an equal amount of female fights as male fights throughout my years in high school.

When I was a sophomore, I was walking down the hallway during class with my friend, and we saw these two girls arguing, and we kinda stopped talking and looked up at them, and they started grabbing each other’s hair and pulling. After they smashed into the lockers, and were broken up by the buffest female gym teacher there is, all that was left was a crowd of people around (which gathered out of nowhere) and a weave on the ground.

ShiningToast's avatar

The movie Mean Girls? I mean, Hollywood __always__ has it straight ;).

Likeradar's avatar

Like others have said, female bullying is largely psychological, which can be just as damaging (if not more so) as physical bullying.
This book is a good resource.

MagsRags's avatar

@ShiningToast the movie Mean Girls is actually based on a self help book called Queen Bees and Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boyfriends and Other Realities of Adolescence by Rosalind Wiseman, the founder of a national youth violence prevention program. As the mother of a teenage daughter, I came across the book a couple years before I ever heard of the movie and read it cover to cover. The movie is amusing, the book is excellent IMO.

Supacase's avatar

My bully threatened to kick my ass. She wasn’t bright enough to do any psychological bullying and she had zero social standing to begin with. Why did she bully me? Because I “had all the boys in school.” I know this because I asked her. She couldn’t get it through her head that I never even dated a boy from our school. Not once. She was very overweight and I think she was insecure and possibly jealous.

Anyway, it ended in the worst way – exactly how all of the adults tell you to handle bullies. Isn’t it awful when they’re right?~ I finally said, “You want to kick my ass? Come on and do it. Kick my ass. Here I am – have at it.” She was stunned, looked like a fool in front of her friends, and never bothered me again.

Berserker's avatar

It certainly happens, but is usually verbal and psychological rather than physical, but the latter can certainly occur as well.

Ain’t never seen no catfight? ^^

jenandcolin's avatar

Oh yeah, it happens all the time. When I was in high school I was picked on by girls. Reflecting back, I realize it was because I was friends with a lot of boys. Many of these boys had popular girlfriends. I was not popular- I was a geek (like I am now!).
Although it was purely friendship (I wasn’t really the kind of girl that boys had crushes on), they didn’t like it.
I was also in all AP classes for my last two years of high school. That didn’t help with the teasing…
It was never physical. Really there were only about 3. They pretty much tried to make my life hell. Spreading rumors, picking on me in class, rolling eyes when I answered questions, that kind of thing. No biggie, I think I ended up better in the long run b/c I had to deal with that stuff.

nebule's avatar

yes… I’ve always been bullied by other girls and I’ve known of people to have horrendous things happen to them like being forced to swallow bleach.. gang of girls on girl… hideous stuff.

boys have never bullied me, it was always the girls… and is always the girls

they gossip, pick, stare, look, taunt, shout names, spit, pull hair, corner you, they are…like animals.. I have NO respect for bullies…and I don’t care if they had a bad childhood…or deep down are insecure… maybe one day I will.

aprilsimnel's avatar

You should read Blubber by Judy Blume. 10-year old girls can be vicious little so-and-so’s!

And I knew enough girls in high school for whom the words, “I will cut a bitch!” could have been a personal motto.

lonelydragon's avatar

Yes. Physical violence definitely happens among girls, though relational aggression (i.e. gossip, insults, and excluding unpopular students from activities) is more common.

mattbrowne's avatar

When I was a kid I noticed that girls and boys employed different bullying strategies.

mockai516's avatar

yes,please google the keywords here:
“malaysian school girl fighting for toilet”
and check it out

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