Social Question

ucme's avatar

When we are children we all have our idea of what we will do when we grow up.Did your ideas come true?

Asked by ucme (50047points) January 6th, 2010

Whether it was a dream job or marry a childhood sweetheart or become famous. Did any of your plans actually happen?

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15 Answers

marinelife's avatar

No. I first thought I was going to be a geologist or an archaeologist.

Grisaille's avatar

I wanted to become an aerospace engineer. That didn’t go as planned.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Somewhat. From an early age, I knew that I wanted a job where I could work outside instead of in an office. With my currently job, that is true about 80% of the time.

ucme's avatar

@Space is very inhospitable, bad atmosphere you see.

Snarp's avatar

No, not one, not in the least. But in my case most of it was idle speculation. There never really was one “dream job” that I knew anything about or had a particular affinity for.

sjmc1989's avatar

Well I haven’t gotten there yet, but when I was little I wanted to be a traveling RN like my father. I am currently enrolled in the nursing program and I have been looking up my options for the traveling part of it. I have a little ways to go, but this is what I have been wanting to do since I was 5.

ucme's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities The great outdoors.“I love the smell of napalm in the morning”. As someone once said.~

CMaz's avatar

Yes and no.

Life is funny that way.

ucme's avatar

@sjmc1989 That’s to your credit good luck with that. Although any procedures you may carry out in the course of your day may be compromised by your eyesight, judging by your pic ;¬}

sjmc1989's avatar

I can see surprisingly well with these eyes of mine! Little difficult to judge distance, but in the end I predict everyone will turn out alright…hopefully :)

Likeradar's avatar

I wanted to own a ballet school. Turns out, I’m too curvy, tall, and clumsy to be a ballerina, and have no rhythm or business sense.

Sophief's avatar

Errr no! I was going to marry superman, and star in Neighbours and after that fell through I was going to be a popstar with Kylie!

Supacase's avatar

I was going to be a lawyer and making enough money to be comfortable. I didn’t care about being rich. I am neither a lawyer nor in a financially comfortable situation.

On the other hand, I did have my daughter around the age I had planned to have children. Also, my second marriage happened near the expected time. These things just didn’t happen how I had planned.

loser's avatar

Not even close.

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

When I was in elementary school, I wanted to be an astronaut. Or a vet. Or a vet in space. I even went to Space Camp, took extracurricular astronomy courses, and volunteered at the local animal shelter.

That changed when I got into middle school, though. That’s when I started watching anime and drawing more than just little doodles on the margins of my notebooks. Lo and behold, I became an art student studying digital animation! I guess it’s not quite as exciting as taking care of animals in space, but with my combination of squeamishness and clumsiness I probably wouldn’t have what it takes to fulfill those childhood dreams.

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