General Question

dpena2009's avatar

How many of you have an Alexander Calder in their city?

Asked by dpena2009 (218points) April 3rd, 2008 from iPhone

I live in Grand Rapids and we have one. We also named the whole area it’s in Calder Plaza. Our city’s flag also features the sculpture. I was just wondering because we watch a documentary on him in my art class.

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12 Answers

Lost_World's avatar

not any in cork.

monsoon's avatar

I don’t know who that is, but I though you were trying to track some one down and even a score at first. :)

Les's avatar

There is one in DeKalb, IL. On the campus of NIU. And there is the “Flamingo” in Chicago. Pretty neat stuff.

Zaku's avatar

We’ve got at least one in Seattle.

Schenectandy's avatar

I just checked my white pages: not quite, but there is an Alejandro Calderon..

gailcalled's avatar

@ all: do I count? I am Gail Calder; my oldest step-son is Alexander Calder——-> descended from THE Alexander.(and originally the Campbells of Cawdor.)

I am interested but sad that @monsoon never heard of AC.

steelmarket's avatar

There is at least one large Calder in Fort Worth, TX.

dpena2009's avatar

I meant to say Alexander Calder Scuplture… Sorry for the confusion…

aloha's avatar

yes – a very large magnificent Calder hangs in the Philadelphia Museum of Art

sdeutsch's avatar

There’s a beautiful one hanging in the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh. It’s right above the grand staircase – one of my favorite places in the whole museum…

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