General Question

mrrich724's avatar

Have you heard of UD Management Group, or think it's a scam?

Asked by mrrich724 (8550points) December 28th, 2010

Two young men came to my door. To be quite honest, they looked like hoodlums wearing business casual.

They explained that they worked for UD Management group (website is They said that it’s a company which helps rehabilitate people like them, by allowing them to practice eye contact, professional dress, speaking, etc. by going door to door and selling magazines.

Anyone have experience with this? If I gave them money, would I receive the subscription at some point? Or would I just lose the $? Or were they scoping out my area?

I feel bad to be skeptical, but I also feel smart by being so . . . any info would help.

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9 Answers

SuperMouse's avatar

There are several complaints about them on the Ripoff Report website.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Here is the information the BBB has on them. They currently have a rating of ‘D’ on a ‘A+’ to ‘F’ scale.

I don’t have any experience with this group, but I did buy a magazine subscription of a teenager that came to our door one day and we did get it, but it took a long time to finally come. I haven’t done it since then though because I heard that they are usually a scam.

SuperMouse's avatar

P.S. I had to sound like a cynic, but ever since I saw an expose’ on 20/20 years and and years ago, I am always skeptical when folks come knocking on my door with stories such as these.

mrrich724's avatar

It’s ok @SuperMouse I think it’d be unwise for someone to be cynical about a situation like this.

kristacarole's avatar

I think you were much smarter than I, as I probably just got ripped off tonight! I thought I was helping someone ‘get a leg up’ but now wish that I had just jumped on the internet real quick while he waited outside. Why do I always want to see the good in someone, why??

mrrich724's avatar

Because it’s unfortunate that in today’s society, the odds are that it’s not good . . . and we don’t want to believe that.

At least you just lost a few bucks. If you read more about them online, some were raped, and at least one person killed and robbed.

Desiree's avatar

I had a young man come to my house in August 2012 and it is now January 2013…no magazines. He was a young black man who wore a suit that did not look comfortable. He was pleasant, although he spoke in rhyme, told jokes and laughed at them. I figured he was young and being young. I order three magazines. They say it takes 120 days. I should have received them by now! The cost was $140. My mom has been sick and I have to hunt down the bank statement to see if the check cleared. I called the number on the slip. They state the office hours, but never pick up the phone and tell you not to leave a message, but to call back. I know it is Washington DC, so I am not sure if it is a toll call, but I do know they are shifty! I felt for the kid. Another lesson learned!

Unitank's avatar

I would to rebutt these statements . First let’s start off with B.B.B they are skeptical of every company that is in the Direct Sales industry. Second I knocked on doors for 7 years and I went back to same neighborhoods every year. I met a lot of outstanding citizens who help me out every year I am still in touch with most of them. Third sometime you do get bad apples but not every body is a bad apple. What about all the people who lost they life savings in to madoff and the rest of them corporate thugs. I would suggest that you look at the receipt an make sure your address is accurate

Deidracom1_'s avatar

I’ve worked for unified doers management group for almost 16 years. I started going door to door June 6,2000. I’m still with the company. I’m on sick leave due to my health.
The mission of the organization is to hire young adults from the inner city, give them a shot at becoming model citizens. Yes these kids aren’t the best Ppl, yes they sometimes want to keep they’re old habits instead of adapting to New ones. Do that make the company a bad company because they don’t want to do good? No!!!!!!
We will continue to work with these young adults. No one is perfect but everyone deserves a chance or 2. They gave me a shot at turning my life around and I ran with and made the best of it.
So before you think about criticizing an organization for what they’re doing for the young adults ask yourself have you walked on water lately? You’re not perfect either.

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