Social Question

classykeyser's avatar

What's the worst promise you ever made through a drunk text?

Asked by classykeyser (508points) January 6th, 2011

What is the worst, most abhorrent thing you’ve ever promised to do via a drunken text?

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6 Answers

ucme's avatar

I’m physically incapable of sending texts when i’m drunk. In fact, my phone magically morphs into a teleporting device able to crash through the sound barrier & everyphin…....well, in my drunken stupor it does anyway.

Blueroses's avatar

As if I would ever answer this question! My drunken texts get deleted to the great dumpster of shame without further review in the morning.

Seelix's avatar

Probably “Yeah, I’ll try to make it to [stupid dance bar I hate] a little later”. Then I continued to sit in the dive bar and drink cheap draft.

VS's avatar

OMG filmfann – thank you for that link!
Worst drunken text promise? to a lawyer friend that if he would get on a plane (in SC) and come to New Orleans, he could sleep in the same bed that was once slept in by me and several presidents (I was in the penthouse)... yeah.

VS's avatar

I just sent that same lawyer a link to the drunk text to which he replied and I quote: “OMG when I saw the subject (Texts from Last Night), I thought I had run into you and just didn’t remember – oh what a night!!”

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