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erichw1504's avatar

How many of these top 20 movies have you seen?

Asked by erichw1504 (26453points) January 18th, 2011

Go to IMDB’s Top 250 list and count how many from the top 20 you have seen then post that number here.

It’s not a perfect list, but a pretty decent look at the top movies of all time.

Are you surprised by how many you have or haven’t seen? Do you agree or disagree with the top 20? What would you change about it? Which movie out of the top 20 is your favorite and which is your least? Do you think a film from 2011 will make it to the top 20?

Post links with other top films lists if you have them!

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74 Answers

erichw1504's avatar

I have seen 10 out of the 20. Pretty good for me. I plan on renting a few more from the top 20 simply because they are classics and is wrong for me to have not watched them yet.

I think the list is pretty accurate. Sure, Inception may not deserve to be in the top 20, but it did just come out so it will need time for it to make its way down the list.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

A Keanu Reeves movie?WTH?

YoBob's avatar

I was surprised to find that I have seen 13 of them.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

3 – don’t know why separate LOTR movies get separate spots, seems like a waste to me.

syz's avatar

Hah! I’ve only seen 8 of them. What’s the ranking? Are these most viewed, or somehow considered best? By what standards?

mrrich724's avatar


@Simone_De_Beauvoir I don’t immediately see why the three LOTR movies would NOT get seperate spots . . . they are three films, released on three seperate dates, each a full length feature. . .

If you used that logic, The Godfather III would automatically be coupled in the top 20 with part I and II. And it SUCKED (which is why it’s not even on the list.

erichw1504's avatar

@syz They are based on rating out of ten stars and number of ratings.

erichw1504's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Which one features Keanu?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@mrrich724 Well, I just feel like other movies can get the spot, you know? I feel like it’s all the same story.

Cruiser's avatar

18 out of the 20!?!! I need to get out more!! XD

May as well make it 68 out of the first 70!

95 out of the top 100

mrrich724's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I see your point, but I edited my initial comment to include an example of why they should not be coupled. Look ^ :)

JLeslie's avatar

11. But the Lord of the Rings was borrring for me, so I fell asleep in parts.

BarnacleBill's avatar

14 of the 20, none of the LTR movies.

ucme's avatar

I’ve seen ten of the twenty from beginning to end. The rest I’ve only seen part way through for various reasons. My favourite in the twenty would be Pulp Fiction closely followed by The Good the Bad & the Ugly. The abscence of any Mcqueen or Newman films seems unbalanced to me. I’d have thought Bullitt & Cool Hand Luke were worthy entries.

wilma's avatar

I would put some of the 20–40 in the top 20. My fave is “Rear Window” @21.
Not sure about my least Fave. Some are definitely missing.

lemming's avatar

They’re all boys films.

coffeenut's avatar

19/20…....out of the 250 list….I haven’t seen 15….lol

erichw1504's avatar

@coffeenut You haven’t seen the original Star Wars?! That’s like saying I’ve never eaten cereal before.

coffeenut's avatar

No..I haven’t seen 15 movies out of the list.

erichw1504's avatar

@coffeenut Oooooh, gotchya! Wow, that is amazing!

SavoirFaire's avatar

Seven. That was a higher number than I expected, especially given the surprising fact about how many recent movies are on that list. But it did remind me that I still haven’t seen the film version of either 12 Angry Men or One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

I haven’t seen enough of these films to agree or disagree with their rankings, though what I’ve heard about Inception makes me fear it is ranked highly for all the wrong reasons. But I haven’t seen it, so again I can’t be sure.

coffeenut's avatar

Lol….not really, I can name at least another 1000 that’s not on the list that I’ve seen…

chyna's avatar

Five counting the one I fell asleep during. If we can’t count that one (because really, I didn’t see it) then only four.

Jude's avatar

I hated Lord of the Rings. Snore.

Lightlyseared's avatar

I got down to 172 before I hadn’t seen one.

edited due to stupidity

aprilsimnel's avatar

17/20. A lot of these I saw as a student in film school.

Haven’t seen Inception, Fight Club or City of God.

chyna's avatar

@aprilsimnel I saw Inception. Didn’t like it, but obviously I’m in the minority. It was too confusing to me.

Coloma's avatar

6 or 7.
Some of the old ones, it’s been years.

I did just watch ‘The Shawshank redemption again recently. Love that movie.

6rant6's avatar

19. “City of God” is the hold out.

Inception, for my money, doesn’t make sense. Devalues the list to see it on it.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

18. Everything but Schindler’s List and 12 Angry Men.

bunnygrl's avatar

@Lightlyseared really? not even the star wars films? seriously wow! :-)

@erichw1504 I’ve seen 12 honey, and since you said to send links to other polls, what about the 50 worst movies as voted for by the readers of Empire magazine? You can find it here enjoy :-)

Lightlyseared's avatar

@bunnygrl sorry I screwed up my first answer. No I’d seen everything down to 172 (Ikuru).

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@bunnygrl I’ve seen 18 of the 50 on your worst movies list, and I’d agree that each one of them deserves to be on the list. Blech.

Smashley's avatar

Every one but Inception, though I have more than a few problems with the list. It’s more than a little skewed to favor modern, popular movies. Toy Story 3 is better than Citizen Caine? The Prestige is better than Raging Bull? You’ve got to be fucking with me.

Austinlad's avatar

16 of the 20, and 176 out of 250.

Kardamom's avatar

I’ve only seen 6 of the top 20. Shawshank Redemption is definitely the best one in that category.

I’m one of the few people that hated Pulp Fiction. I just don’t like that type of film. Too loud, too violent, to “ironic” too much dialogue that I didn’t enjoy. I don’t care for any Tarantino films, though. My idea of an excellent film is Lost in Translation (just to get an idea of where I’m coming from).

I guess I’m surprised that Gone With The Wind, The Wizard of Oz and the Sound of Music or Snow White are not on that list (in the top 20).

I doubt that anything from 2011 will end up in the top 20 on the list.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

8/20. I need to watch more movies, apparently.
@aprilsimnel Fight Club & City of God are two of my favorite movies of all time. You should see them. :)

Michael_Huntington's avatar

It’s difficult to take this list seriously when The Seventh Seal is Number 113. Seriously, what. the. math.

bunnygrl's avatar

@Lightlyseared aha! I get it now and everything up to 172, again wow! That actually is way impressive I think.

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities I agree talk about hellish. Ick! How did some of them even get the go ahead to be made? I have to admit to a warm fondness for Plan Nine from Outer Space though :-)

Lightlyseared's avatar

@bunnygrl not impressive. Scary.

faye's avatar

I see you guys went further than 20 so I have to go back and see.

absalom's avatar

10/20. Silly list, though. Dark Knight in the top ten? Apocalypse Now and Citizen Kane barely in the top forty? But all lists are silly. This was fun. I should see more movies.

deni's avatar

I’ve seen 7, and I’m being serious when I say this, why the hell isn’t Dumb and Dumber in the top 20?

Seaofclouds's avatar

8 out of the top 20 and I actually enjoyed the LoTR movies. :)

68 out of all 250 from that list.

I’ve seen 8 of the movies on the list of the 50 worst movies that was posted.

efritz's avatar

15, but I know the endings to all of them. I consume too much media, probably.

janbb's avatar

8 of the 20 and I“m a real movie buff. I agree with @lemming; I think the list is really skewed to boys’ and younger viewers” movies. It certainly is not a best movies list at all.

Fairylover78's avatar

Huh… I have actually seen all of them… not sure I agree with their list but I have seen all 20. we have lots of movies and go back and watch stuff that has won awards from early film alot, personally I think they should have some of the 1920’s silent flicks…buster keaton was the best

lemming's avatar

…and @YARNLADY wins. Wooop.

6rant6's avatar

These films earned their way on to the rankings by popular vote. And it’s people who offer their opinions, so yes, the young are loudest.

But IMDB also presents what they call a “Metascore” which is a compilation of professional reviewers scores. Not every film has a score.

I think these fall more in line with my taste:

I like all these:
Taxi Driver – 96
Pulp Fiction – 94
No Country for Old Men – 91
Monte Python and the Holy Grail – 90
Silence of the Lambs – 84

These… meh:
The Dark Knight – 82
Shawshank Redemption – 80
Inception – 74

I think some of the older movies, like Twelve Angry Men and Clockwork Orange don’t fare as well under this system. But then again, there seems to be general “Grade inflation” going on in the rankings.

Dumb & Dumber doesn’t fare any better with this rating system – it’s 34! (for comparison’s sake Gigli is 18.)

poisonedantidote's avatar

19 of them, I have not seen inception yet, and I do disagree, but I have an odd taste in movies. However, I am some what confused. IMDB is picking up that I live in spain, and thus is listing all the movies with their Spanish titles, and from what others have said here, it looks like my list is in a different order.

Anyway, here is what I personally would call the top 20 movies of all time:

#01 Fight Club …......................................... (for: poetic narration, originality, best plot twist, + more)
#02 American Beauty …........................... (for: best stealth feel good movie, best retrospect pondering)
#03 Scarface …........................................... (for: best bad guy as star, best rise to power story)
#04 Reservoir Dogs …............................... (for: best juxtaposition, good twist, good characters)
#05 Star Trek – First Contact …............. (for: best of the borg,)
#06 Tremmors 2 …...................................... (for: best easy watching “horror”)
#07 Back To The Future …....................... (for: best time travel movie)
#08 Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas .. (for: best wtf, best wake up with a hangover)
#09 Enter The Dragon …........................... (for: best martial arts)
#10 The Matrix …........................................ (for: best fx based martial arts, best machine takeover story)
#11 Ghostbusters ….................................. (for: best family movie + more)
#12 Rambo – First Blood …..................... (for: best 1 man vs world, best of stalone)
#13 Casino …............................................... (for: best gangster movie + more)
#14 One Flew Over t’ Cuckoo’s Nest .. (for: best sad movie, + more)
#15 Waterworld (yes, waterworld!) …..... (for: best set at sea, good doomsday plot, + more)
#16 The Shawshank Redemption …...... (for: best jail movie, best justice, good characters, + more)
#17 50 First Dates ….................................. (for: best romance + more)
#18 About Schmidt …................................. (for: best shot at the meaning of life, + more)
#19 Pulp Fiction …....................................... (for: best timeline structure, + more)
#20 Commando …........................................ (for: best movie about a strong guy blowing things up)

Obviously everyone will disagree, as I said, I’m odd with movies, but for me and my tastes and moods, these 20 movies (give or take an exception or two) are the 20 movies I have enjoyed the most. ... at least, assuming that I need to include a little variation, otherwise expect to see a lot more sci-fi on the list.

GracieT's avatar

Only 5 of the first 20. I did slightly better with the rest of the list, but I didn’t really see many in the top 20 that appealed to me.

filmfann's avatar

Out of the top 100, I have seen 96.
the highest rated film I haven’t seen is City Of God. I have been saving that for a bad day.

Zaku's avatar

I’ve seen 13/20. I like all of those, but The Dark Knight wouldn’t be in my top 20.
Two of the 20 I haven’t seen, I am interested in seeing.
I don’t particularly want to see The Shawshank Redemption, Schindler’s List, Goodfellas, 12 Angry Men, or City of God, mainly because I’m not thrilled by their subjects.
My favorite in their top 20 would be Star Wars episode IV.
I’m not sure how I’d really list my own top 20, but:
I’d give Star Wars and Lord of the Rings only one slot each.
North By Northwest would be in my top 20.
Lawrence of Arabia probably would too.

Some other good films that might make my list:
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
To Catch a Thief
Philadelphia Story
The Apartment
The Thief of Baghdad
The Pink Panther
The Jerk

@poisonedantidote Wow. Waterworld is on my worst list. Commando is on my bad list.

poisonedantidote's avatar

@Zaku It all depends on what mood you are in. There are thousands of other movies that are theoretically more worthy of the slot, more serious films, but if you are in a certain mood, those movies are hard to beat. E.g. If you want to sit back and watch some explosions without having to think, Commando is the way to go.

As for Waterworld, I know it has the reputation of being a massive flop, and even I who like it can find faults with it and pick it apart with ease, but I think it really does belong on the list because of several reasons. One of the reasons being how it was funded, they had an idea for a movie, and backed it with their own cash. but really, I think it’s a good movie if you are looking for some escapism, I think they really capture the whole alternative world fantasy quite well.

Only138's avatar

12/20 for me.

Zaku's avatar

@poisonedantidote Ok, I get what you mean, now that you elaborate more. I actually enjoyed watching Commando, though by the end I was just thinking OMG this is so silly, and it’s still one of the first I think of when I think of how wrong Hollywood action logic is. I only saw Waterworld last year, and it does deserve props for being excessively funded and having a neat idea for an alternative future… I guess in both cases it’s just that I am a “realism” snob towards fantasy action films. Heh.

Adding more action/fantasy films to the “good” list:
Shoot Em Up
The Road Warrior
Conan the Barbarian
The Wild Bunch
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
The Man Who Would Be King
Lord Jim
Captain Horatio Hornblower (Gregory Peck version)
Raiders of the Lost Ark
pretty much all of the Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns
A Fistful of Dynamite

Oh, and some others that would be in my top list (may end up being over 20 long):
The Scarlet Pimpernel (Leslie Howard, Olivia DeHaviland version)
The Three Musketeers (Christopher Lee, Charlton Heston, Sophia Lauren, etc version)
Harold and Maude
Young Frankenstein
The Ladykillers (Alec Guinness version)
Harold Lloyd (gets one collective entry)


downtide's avatar

Only 8 of them and 3 were the LOTR movies and another 2 were the Star Wars ones.

filmfann's avatar

I wish many of you could come over and watch some of these wonderful movies!

YARNLADY's avatar

@filmfann I’m way behind as it is, I’m watching The Thin Man series this week.

filmfann's avatar

@YARNLADY I love that series, and adore Myrna Loy. It kinda weirds me out, though, when Powell starts calling her Mommy.

faye's avatar

I have seen all the 20 and lots of the next ones- liked them, liked LotK’s

faye's avatar

@filmfann Wierd, isn’t it, K isn’t even close to R. I liked Lord of the Rings, need to read the books again.

gespect's avatar

i’ve seen 11 of their top 20. almost none of their to 20 would appear in my top 20.

Berserker's avatar

I’ve seen eight of them. Good list overall I guess, although I’m not entirely sure I’d put Inception anywhere near the top 20 movies ever, but that’s just me.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

I have seen 11 of the 20. I have not seen the rest because they aren’t my kind of movie. My favorite from this list would be Schindler’s List. My least favorite would be Fight Club. I didn’t see it, but it caused problems in the high school where I work after some of our kids decided to start a fight club. Ugh!

Do I agree with the list – I suppose as even the ones I don’t care for are favorite movies to some of my friends.

Would a movie from 2011 make the list? Well, Schindler’s list is older than 2011, isn’t it? What movie are you referring to?

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

I have seen eleven of the Top Twenty! I would disagree with saying most of them are the best movies ever made. Some of them are terrible in my opinion.

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