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Jude's avatar

Light mint green and vintage orange, do you think they work?

Asked by Jude (32201points) April 4th, 2011

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38 Answers

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creative1's avatar

Yes I would need to see the colors you are talking of in order to judge properly

Jude's avatar

Now they say that it’s sage here, but, a customer who bought sage said that it was more of a light minty green.

bobbinhood's avatar

That depends on what you want to do with them.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

I have always liked light mint green and chocolate brown. Maybe because it reminds me of a chocolate mint brownie.

Jude's avatar

@Skaggfacemutt I have the brown in there, as well.

@bobbinhood decorating a room,

creative1's avatar

I would say should all go together

Stefaniebby's avatar

How are you putting the colors together?

Coloma's avatar

My kitchen and outside deck are decorated in orange and lime green. Great, colorful, retro combo IMO.

I think a brighter shade of green might be more complementary than mint.

For instance, my kitchen has a large area rug with a dark brown background and bright green leafy pattern. My island has a black and tan bamboo runner and the accents are all orange and green.

An Orange glass lamp on the counter, green & orange dish towels, orange carved S&P shakers, green straw placemats, orange candles as accents, a green bamboo vase, etc.

My outdoor green and orange theme surrounds my orange market umbrella and various colorful green and orange and black pots planted with bamboos, cosmic orange cosmos, nastursiums and bright green Zebra grasses with orange pillows on my outdoor futon.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

@Jude It sounds lovely, then. Now I am interested – what is your plan?

Jude's avatar

NOT my rug, but, this shows the color combo.

Jude's avatar

And, we’re only talking one orange piece of furniture.

crisw's avatar

Here is how not to do it…browse through these pictures!

Jude's avatar

My girlfriend seems to think that it will work.

@crisw the green looks nothing like that.

crisw's avatar


I know. But I laugh every time I look at the pictures for that house, thinking that someone once found that attractive!

Jude's avatar

I have this coffee table. Bits of orange and green in there. I also have this print (the Madonna) with bits of orange in there. My sofa is a brown leather. The walls are neutral. I have a lot of black and white photos.

My g/f:
I really think it will look wonderful. There are bits of orange around the room, but not much. The green will go great with the couch and there are also bits of green around the room, but not much. And there are also other colors so it doesn’t look too uniform.

cak's avatar

I’m almost wondering if a green with a little more depth to it would be a bit better. I’m wondering if it is just too light and would get washed with the pops of orange that will be in the road.

I love the room, very nice!

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TexasDude's avatar

I think it’s a great combination. I’d totally drive a ‘55 Bel Air in those colors, if they made them.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

@jude I think it will look great! @crisw I was actually alive at the time that this house would have been considered chic. Ha-ha!

Jude's avatar

@cak When talking to the SO, she felt as though a darker green, say, an olive, would look too drab.

My girl has an awesome eye for furniture. She’s an artist, as well. I trust her judgement, but, thought that it would be fun to get a second (third, fourth…)opinion.

cak's avatar

@Jude – I think olive would be too drab. I’m trying to think of the color that I am thinking of, but I’m kinda working, too. Therefore, I can’t think. Somewhere between a mint and a very light lime green. Not olive. shudder!

bobbinhood's avatar

I think it will work well. I think the softness of the mint will play well with the bolder orange, especially since you don’t sound like you’re planning to go overboard with the orange.

Foolaholic's avatar

I like the sounds of that. I’d like to see what you mean by vintage orange, but I can see that working.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Foolaholic @Jude has a link up above—click the orange lettering in this reply

Foolaholic's avatar

@SpatzieLover Ah yes, exactly the type of link I would completely fail to notice :P

I redouble my yes.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

In airports and ice cream parlors ;)

Jude's avatar

@Neizvestnaya I appreciate your honesty, girl. ;-)

wilma's avatar

It looks nice. It has a real 70’s feel.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@Jude: I’m still traumatized from the 70’s, forgive me.

Jude's avatar

Now, I need to decide on a shag rug. (color).

SpatzieLover's avatar

Looks good!

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