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wundayatta's avatar

[NSFW] What does it feel like -- metaphorically, emotionally and physically -- when someone enters you?

Asked by wundayatta (58738points) April 30th, 2011

I’m interested in the stories we tell ourselves in order to try to describe the feelings of accepting someone inside. It is mostly women and gay men who do this, but I suppose there might be a few others. What do the different stories go like? This feels good because… a physical thing? An emotional thing? Just the story you tell yourself? What is that story? What are the emotions? What determines if the physical experience is a good or bad one?

Of course, people are not always “accepting” someone inside. Sometimes they are invaded. What is the story that goes with that circumstance? Violation? Pain? Anger? Deserved it? Unfair? Doesn’t matter?

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7 Answers

Trojans40's avatar

I am a honest straight man. And I taken a finger to the anus, not by force or pleasure but for health reason. Let me assure you that it was a nurse finger. A really hot female nurse. With cold rubber gloves, she enjoyed it (I always imagine that she does) as I cower in fear and shame. It was both physically and emotional distress. I didn’t enjoy one thing about it. But I couldn’t do anything about as it for health reason. It was that one experience that always bothered me as a Straight Man. I am so not looking forward to the Middle-Age.

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adr's avatar

A space that has physically begun to open and beg to be filled, and as it does, so perfectly and completely, by a man who is there, present, gives an overwhelming sense of fulfillment. And like pressing two puzzle pieces together: the coinciding of the physical lock with the pictures of myself and the other combining to reveal an image of the two – overwhelmingly beautiful.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I absolutely love it. There’s nothing better than those first few seconds. Especially when you haven’t had it in a while.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

This is one of those things where, hopefully, people don’t have to construct stories or feelings about. The first time ever is different from any other time. The first time with a new partner is different than any other time. It feels good, what can I tell you? If someone enters my anus vs. my vagina, it is a different process.

nebule's avatar

It’s magical. When you love someone enough to let them get that close to you and then you are as close as you can possibly be it’s a beautiful moment… I think it’s beautiful when you have absolute respect and care for the other being and know that both of you are mutually in one another’s lives and bodies so deeply.

The physical feeling itself is one of exposure and openness and vulnerability, but knowing that being in that place with someone that will not abuse that it the magical part. When (as I have been) violated and not respected it feels like a personal and global insult to love and to the gift of life that we have been given. It degrades everything you are as a woman and human being… and scars, for life. Through that very hole in our being we are able to give life to one another and to potential beings… I understand now that it’s a very special place only to be shared with those who deeply love every part of you.

Ajulutsikael's avatar

There are times where it’s an intense experience. When it feels like I’m somewhere else and it’s magical. I’ve had a few moments during the “event” when he almost looked different and there was some light around him. There are just moments that feel different, but in a good way.

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