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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

What's your best fresh-squeezed lemonade tasting lemonade (that doesn't involve squeezing tons of fresh lemons)?

Asked by MyNewtBoobs (19064points) May 13th, 2011

I love fresh lemonade. Crystal Light is a poor substitute. But, I hate squeezing an entire bag of lemons just for one pitcher, especially since it’s just my hands and a really basic juicer. So, what’s a good in-the-middle recipe?

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20 Answers

creative1's avatar

Dell’s Lemonade, its made right here in Rhode Island, they even sell it now in dry form that you can mix up your self. mmmmmmmmm goood

Blueroses's avatar

This stuff is great. It tastes more like natural lemon than that bottled juice. I squeeze one lemon, add enough of this powder to get the flavor I want and a sweetener. (I love it blended with crushed ice and a sprig of fresh mint)

HungryGuy's avatar

Put a whole bunch of lemons on a transporter pad and beam them into the pattern buffer. Then reverse the polarity of the Heisenberg compensators and then put an empty glass on the pad and then beam the pattern buffer directly into the glass. Works for me…

Kardamom's avatar

Trader Joe’s has a relatively new, lo-calorie pink lemonade that is just about the best lemonade I’ve ever tasted.

If you pour it into glasses or a punch bowl, you can thinly slice some actual lemons to float on the top to make it really festive, or you can stick a paper umbrella with a maraschino cherry in it.

wundayatta's avatar

Whole Foods fresh squeezed lemonade.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Kardamom :( We don’t have a Trader Joes.

creative1's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs You poor sole its a wonderful store

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@creative1 I’ve been there, when I would visit my Grandma in CA. I love it. We just don’t have one. Which is weird, because CO is basically where all the Californians move when they want to be able to afford both a house and a child. But I think it may have something to do with liquor licensing here.

creative1's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs Don’t give up hope we just got our first one in Warwick RI last year. Before this I used to go to MA to shop there which isn’t bad for me since there is one by my sister.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@creative1 It’s a four hour drive to the nearest border.

creative1's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs Not here its only minutes to the nearest border, the whole state takes about an hour to drive from end to end without traffic. You talk to people here about distance and time to get somewhere the think driving 15 minutes is too far to have to drive anywhere. It cracks me up talking from origninal Rhode Islanders

Blueroses's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs Not quite true. I happen to know that it’s only 1.5 hours to your nearest border state :) However, that state also has no Trader Joe stores

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Blueroses So then how the hell does it take us 4 hours to reach WY?

Blueroses's avatar

man, I don’t know! What kind of traffic are you driving in? I can get to Cheyenne in under 2

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

The nonexistent kind!

Blueroses's avatar

it’s only 100 miles, are you driving a covered wagon?

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

No… I think last time we were going 80 mph…

Blueroses's avatar

I’m baffled. It must be some dark magic then, slowing you down.

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