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flutherother's avatar

What were you doing just before you started fluthering just now?

Asked by flutherother (34997points) July 3rd, 2011

Was it interesting, was it mundane or would you rather we didn’t know?

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61 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Mundane. Went for a walk around the local reservoir earlier, made lunch for my son. Fluthered off and on.

WasCy's avatar

Two things:

1. Watching Irn Bru videos
2. Playing Yahoo!Spades.

wundayatta's avatar

Went to the store and then had lunch. Then fluther.

Jeruba's avatar

Drinking coffee and answering e-mail. I just got up.

Bellatrix's avatar

Checking mail. Drinking tea. Watching the news. It is 7.30 am here.

Waiting for the water to heat up so I can have a shower and go to work. Teenagers and their water use. Enough to drive a person mad.

MilkyWay's avatar

Writing a new post for my blog.

efritz's avatar

Eating oreos + pink lemonade and watching a Vivien Leigh biography on YouTube.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Driving from one store (finished shift) to our other (starting shift).

Zaku's avatar

Reading a book, eating fruit salad, checking email, playing a game via email.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Got up from watching Armaggedon again to get ice for my drink. Checking email and fluther before I hit play again.

ucme's avatar

I was pwning noobs on Black ops with my daughter as an enthusiastic spectator.
She’s gone to bed now, school tomorrow & all that.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Fluthering some more.

YARNLADY's avatar

I slept until 1 pm, then; made coffee, got the Sunday newspaper from outside (it’s 95 degrees out there) cleaned off the counter, folded the pool towels that I washed last night and put in another load, changed the toddlers diapers, made their breakfast, then mine, ate and then sat down to rest.

Kardamom's avatar

I had lunch: baked beans, potato salad, a piece of fake boloney, some carrot sticks and some cauliflower florets.

FutureMemory's avatar

Walked back from the kitchen where I’m cooking home made french fries.

woodcutter's avatar

Wiping hucky out of my eye. Just got up from a nap. Got up early today to be able to go to the mountains with my dog to try to beat the heat, and it beat the snot out of us both. Hardly anyone out there at all. It was draining but still glad we did it since the heat wave began we just mainly look out the window and it’s boring.

flutherother's avatar

I cycled to Clydebank and back by the canal as it was such a beautiful evening then I called in to the supermarket and got some strawberries (now finished) before sitting down here and Fluthering.

Mariah's avatar

Working on my calculus homework! That’s super interesting (to me, lol).

aprilsimnel's avatar

I ate a cheeseburger.

tinyfaery's avatar

I just watched High Art and now I’m eating Lucky Charms.

bkcunningham's avatar

6:21 p.m. EST, just got off the golf cart after showing my sister-in-law and niece around. They arrived today from Tennessee. They are getting ready to go swimming with us. We walked around downtown and had a drink and an ice cream while listening to live music. Wonderful afternoon.

incendiary_dan's avatar

I was at work, sitting in a car reading a book about the vulnerabilities in the food production system and how to prepare for disruptions. Now I’m going to eat my dinner, which is pancit I made a few days ago.

syz's avatar

I was eating an avocado.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Waiting for paint to dry. Literally. HURRY UP PAINT!! I WANT TO GET THE LAST COAT ON!!!

SamIAm's avatar

Cleaning! All day. Have had a house guest for nearly the past 2 months. My apartment needed a massive cleaning sess. All done and now I’m exhausted. But it’s almost time for a shower and to change the sheets. Then meeting friends for some draanks.

jellyfish3232's avatar

Built an electric prod for my little brother. And when I say “for my little brother”, I mean… Well, you know what I mean.

downtide's avatar

Uploading photos to Flickr.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Paint dried. Got one more wall to do…no sanding or mudding either! I’ll be finished tomorrow!!!

poisonedantidote's avatar

I was trying to get a girl to go out with me on a proper date, while I was out with her on a kind of semi-date that was not a date at all, but was still a great night, but I go home to my hand at the end of it.

Cruiser's avatar

Just got back from the movies. Saw the new Transformer movie and Bumble Bee is as cool as ever!

Berserker's avatar

Had dinner and looked at porn.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Symbeline Interesting combination…

Berserker's avatar

Well I mean one after the other lol.

TexasDude's avatar

Lifting weights.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Drinking blackberry vodka and writing.

shego's avatar

I just put the cake in the oven.

Brian1946's avatar

I was getting my car washed.

AshLeigh's avatar

I was at church… And in a few moments I’m going to get a coffee. :D:D:D

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I was looking at a dating website. :D

LuckyGuy's avatar

Getting things ready for my party tomorrow.

marinelife's avatar

Watching the movie Social Network.

wilma's avatar

Eating cherries that picked this evening, after I watched Transformers 3.
@Cruiser Optimus Prime is my new boyfriend. He is so much cooler now that he is a hood instead of a cabover.

Facade's avatar

Getting some food, talking to my SO and cat, and lighting up

shego's avatar

I just finished decorating my chocolate cherry cake and it took me forever to make the glaze for it, but it’s really good.

athenasgriffin's avatar

I was at a party. Came home, fluthered and listened to music.

MilkyWay's avatar

Uh… I was doing something mundane.

Plucky's avatar

Ugh. Trying to finish this horticulture assignment. Bleh.

Bellatrix's avatar

I was talking to my kids and husband after getting home from work. Had a cuppa and a chat. Now I am watching Time Team and fluthering with you.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Cooking, doing a bit of tidying up and feeling extremely sorry for myself!

MilkyWay's avatar

I just finished tea and toast.
Now I am with you.

flutherother's avatar

Having a cup of tea and watching Judge Judy.

MilkyWay's avatar

I’m currently having my dinner of fish and chips. Want some?

Mariah's avatar

@MilkyWay You are so British. :P

MilkyWay's avatar

@Mariah Lol! So I’ve been told. XD

Lightlyseared's avatar

You know what goes nice with fish and chips? Dom P. Somehow it makes a meal served in yesterdays newspaper classy!

OpryLeigh's avatar

I was talking to my mum while setting the DVD player up to watch another episode of LA Ink My current obsession!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Getting ready to paint the LAST FREAKIN’ WALL IN THE BEDROOM!!

MilkyWay's avatar

@Dutchess_III Good on you! Let us see the finished product?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hail no. I screwed up one wall so badly with my amateur mudding and taping….it’s mortifying. Gotta find a picture to put up there.

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