Social Question

Hi! My name is Pitch. Can you help me scratch an itch?
Hello there. I belong to that good for nothing RealEyesRealizeRealLies. I’ve been bugging him forever to ask a question on fluther about my problem, but he’s so freaking lazy and drinking with hookers all the time that it never gets done.
So I put together a little web page to describe my troubles. It’s kind of gross so if you’re squeamish, don’t look! K?
Click here to see my problem please
Hopefully someone here has seen this before and has a remedy. My doctor has me on medicine but it’s not working at all. I’m always scratching and itching and biting myself now that summer is here. Never had this problem until a couple of months ago.
I’m eight years old and eat good and get plenty of exercise. Don’t ask me what kind of dog I am cause I’m not quite sure I’m legal to own in my area. And if you see that lousy RERRL… tell him to take a bath and change his underwear every once in a while… It’s getting kind of dank associating with him.
Thanks for your help!
yes I know that eight years old is too young for fluther. but in dog years I’m way over the limit… peace!