Social Question

Facade's avatar

Do you think people in the US will ever give up their obsession with quick fixes?

Asked by Facade (22937points) August 25th, 2011

Weight loss pills, pain medications, fad diets, even shampoo/conditioner– I feel like these things are all geared toward putting a band-aid on our problems instead of going to the source of the issues (both substantial and unsubstantial).

What’s your take on this subject?

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7 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

Don’t forget politics, government, and the economy. “Why isn’t the economy booming after Obama was elected!” I’m a victim of poor patience, too, and I think part of it is not understand the entire process of whatever it is you’re inquiring about, as well as the whole lazy factor.

Plus, some feel defeated by the system. It’s hard to consider actual reforms.

Cruiser's avatar

Nope because we all Want it NOW!

Mamradpivo's avatar

I wanted to give this question a long, well-thought out answer but something cool came on TV. So, no.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

No, because their brains reward instant gratification.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

You are only describing a negative side effect of our genetic inheritance. We have been buying miracle cures and chasing the fountain of youth and panning for gold to fix our problems since day 1.

I am aware a number of people lacked a choice in their coming, but proportionally, our ancestors were the type of people to take big chances and believe there may just be something out there that could make everything better.

wilma's avatar

I don’t think that it’s just people in the US who want quick fixes, is it?
It seems like there are people all over the planet who want it now, and then there are those folks who are more patient.

chewhorse's avatar

You mean you would be willing to challenge fast food joints (that put most of us in the fat b’ness to begin with) or the AMA for continually passing drugs that come with more dangerous after effects or.. Well, you get the point.. As long as we allow the jackals to control our futures and dole out their snake ointment on unsuspecting sleepers we’ll always find something that offers a miracle.

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